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BAKU: MP Urges Azerbaijani Government To Closely Monitor BBC Broadca

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  • BAKU: MP Urges Azerbaijani Government To Closely Monitor BBC Broadca

    Baku Today
    May 26 2004

    MP Urges Azerbaijani Government To Closely Monitor BBC Broadcasts

    Baku Today 26/05/2004 13:17

    A member of the Azerbaijani parliament on Tuesday called the
    government to take strict control over broadcasts of the BBC Central
    Asian and Caucasus Service to the country in order to prevent the
    "unequivocally anti-Azerbaijani propaganda."

    "BBC's this kind of broadcasts [to Azerbaijan] must be stopped," said
    Mubariz Qurbanli, an MP from the ruling New Azerbaijan Party (YAP).
    Qurbanli urged the Ministry of Communications and also
    re-broadcasters of the BBC Central Asian and Caucasus Service in the
    country to strictly monitor the allegedly biased programs.

    One of the re-broadcasters, ANS ChM radio, has already set up
    deadline for the BBC World Service management to stop the purported
    pro-Armenian programs by June 1 or see its broadcasts stopped in

    One of the demands put to the BBC management by Vahid Mustafayev,
    President of ANS group of companies, to which ANS ChM radio also
    includes, said an ethnic-Armenian producer of the BBC Central Asian
    and Caucasus Service, Mark Griogorian, must be fired from his
    position. Mustafayev blamed Margarian for the alleged
    anti - Azerbaijani propaganda of the BBC.

    The Azerbaijani MPs also protested against BBC's sending one of its
    reporters, Steve Eke, to Nagorno-Karabakh on May 12 without receiving
    an official permission from Baku.

    The BBC World Service has denied the accusations.

    "Looking back on the events around Karabakh over the last week, and
    even the years, the BBC is convinced that it has got the overall
    balance right," said a letter sent to the Azerbaijani embassy in
    London by the BBC Eurasia Region Executive Editor, Olexiy
    Solohubenko, on May 14.

    With regard to Steve Eke's visit to Nagorno-Karabakh, the letter said
    the reporter was sent there via the only route that was available and
    that the route had been used also by journalists from various media
    organizations during the past decade.