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Eastern Christians Torn Asunder

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  • Eastern Christians Torn Asunder

    Eastern Christians Torn Asunder

    Challenges - New and Old

    National Review Online
    September 18, 2003

    By Bat Yeor

    The dhimmi mentality cannot be easily defined and described. An
    endless variety of reactions has been provoked by the evolving
    historical situations in the civilization of dhimmitude, which
    spans three continents and close to fourteen centuries. Generally
    speaking, /dhimmi/ populations can be described as oscillating between
    alienation and submission and, at the other extreme, a self-perception
    of spiritual freedom.

    The basic aspects of the /dhimmi/ mentality are related to
    characteristics of its status and environment, because /dhimmitude/
    operates exclusively within the sphere of jihad. Contrary to common
    belief, jihad is not limited to holy war conducted militarily;
    it encompasses all strategies, including peaceful means, aimed at
    the unification of all religions within Islamic dogma. Further,
    as a juridical-theological construction, jihad determines all
    aspects of relations between the /Umma/ -- the Islamic community --
    and non-Muslims. According to the classical interpretation, these
    are classified in one of three categories: enemies, temporarily
    reconciled, or subjected. Because neither jihad nor /dhimmitude/
    have been critically analyzed, we can say today that the Islamist
    mentality -- currently predominant in many Muslim countries --
    establishes relations with non-Muslims in the traditional jihad
    categories of war, truce, and submission//dhimmitude/.

    In our times /dhimmis/ are found among the residues of indigenous
    populations of countries that were Islamized during a millenium of
    Muslim conquests: Christians, Hindus, and a scattering of Jews and
    Zoroastrians. Christians would seem to be the most familiar group,
    closer to Westerners by proximity, culture, religion, and subject to
    the same status under Islam as the Jews, the other /ahl al-Khitab/,
    "people of the Book" -- the Bible. But this impression is often
    deceiving as the reassuring appearance of similarity is misleading.

    The behavior of Christian /dhimmis/ varies according to the country,
    the social category, and their association with the ruling classes
    as, for example, their participation in the Iraqi or Syrian Baath
    parties or the PLO, a militarist organization engaged in the Arab
    jihad against Israel. Christian /dhimmis/ appointed to important
    positions by Muslim rulers have often served as agents between the
    Arab world and strategic centers in the West: churches, governments,
    industries, universities, media, etc.

    Because Christian /dhimmi/ populations are on the whole highly skilled
    and better educated than the surrounding population, they often suffer
    from malicious jealousy coupled with the traditional anti-Christian
    prejudices of the /Umma/. The persistence of Christianity in Muslim
    environments testifies to qualities of endurance and adaptability. Yet
    survival in dhimmitude had its price: the /dhimmi/ pathology.

    Briefly summarized, Christian attitudes can be classified in three
    categories: active resistance, passive resistance, and collaboration.
    These three attitudes are manifest within one and the same population,
    but certain geographical or historical situations favor one or another.


    Recent examples of active resistance are noteworthy. The repression
    of the Christian rebellion against the establishment of sharia in the
    Sudan in 1983 caused more than two million dead and over four million
    displaced. Lebanese Christians fought against the Islamization of
    their country during the civil war that began in 1975. At the dawn
    of the 20th century, Armenian and Assyrian Christians were punished
    by genocide for their attempts at independence. In the present day,
    active Christian resistance against Islamization in Indonesia,
    Nigeria, and other African countries is manifest in the massacre
    of Christian civilians, the burning of villages, the flight of
    populations. Westerners, and especially Europeans, turn a deaf ear
    to the sufferings of Christians who actively resist Islamization,
    frequently blaming them for their own misfortunes.


    Examples of passive resistance can be found in Egypt, Pakistan,
    and Iran. Egyptian Christians denounce the violence of which they
    are victims and strive to protect their dignity, reduce legal
    and professional discrimination, and secure basic rights such
    as permission to build or renovate churches. Here again, the West
    prefers to ignore their dire situation or underplay it with episodic
    attention. Christians engaged in active or passive resistance exhaust
    their meager resources in vain efforts to alert their fellow Christians
    and enlist their help.


    Collaborators are recruited among Christians who identify themselves
    as Arabs. This type of collaboration, which caused endless fratricidal
    battles over the centuries, has been denounced by /dhimmis/ struggling
    for centuries against an Islamic domination that progressed with the
    help of Christians.

    Christian collaborationism has taken different forms in the course of
    history, according to circumstances and political opportunity. It is
    expressed today in a two-pronged political and theological project. The
    political project is implemented in a trans-Mediterranean fusion, with
    the construction of an economic, cultural, political, geographical
    entity composed of the European Union and Arab and African countries.
    This policy of association and integration, active in all international
    forums, works to counterbalance American policy, under cover of a
    notion of "international legitimacy," albeit a legitimacy of sanguinary
    totalitarian Arab dictators.

    Collaborationist Christian /dhimmis/ function as the intellectual and
    economic mechanism of this project because they belong to both worlds.
    Their role is to invent the idyllic Islamic-Christian past that upholds
    the political construction of a future Eurabia and to dissimulate
    the anti-Christian foundations of Islamic doctrine and history.

    /Dhimmi/ collaboration on the theological level is oriented in
    two directions: toward Christianity and toward Islam. It finds its
    most radical expression in the "Palestinian Liberation Theology,"
    meaning nothing less than the liberation of Christianity from its
    Jewish matrix. The spiritual center of this theology is the al-Liqa
    institute in Jerusalem, created in 1983 for the study of the Muslim
    and Christian heritage in the Holy Land. This strongly politicized
    institute, sponsored by international Christian organizations,
    specializes in disseminating anti-Israeli propaganda through its
    international religious and media channels.

    Uniting Marcionist and Gnostic theological currents, this Palestinian
    theology strips away Jesus's Jewishness and turns him into a
    /sui generis/ Arab-Palestinian Jesus, a twin of the Muslim Jesus
    (Isa). Christianity, thus liberated from its Jewish roots, can be
    transplanted in Arab-Islamism. This would place Palestine, and not
    Israel, at the origin of Christianity, making Israelis usurpers of
    the Islamic-Christian Palestinian homeland. This theory denies the
    historical continuity between modern Israel and its biblical ancestor,
    the locus of nascent Christianity.

    The theology of Palestinism, integrating all the anti-Jewish themes
    of replacement theology, is reworked to fit the new Palestinian
    fashion and addressed to Christians all over the world, inviting
    them to gather together around an Arab-Palestinian Jesus, symbol
    of a Palestine crucified by Israel. The theme goes back to the 19th
    century. However, in those days when the idea of an Arab-Palestinian
    entity differentiated from the Arab world did not even exist, the
    unifying role of Palestine was assigned to Arab nationalism.

    Palestinist theology shores up the Euro-Arab policy of
    Christian-Muslim and European-Arab fusion: the modern state of
    Israel -- considered a temporary accident of history -- is bypassed
    and Europe's Christian origins are anchored in an Islamic-Christian
    Palestine. Having fulfilled its historical role of uniting the two
    enemies -- Christianity and Islam -- opposed to its very existence,
    Israel can now disappear, sealing the fusion between Europe and the
    Arabs. The unifying role devolves on Islamic-Christian Palestine; the
    reconciliation of Islam and Christianity can finally be consummated
    on the ashes of Israel and its negation. This is why the European
    Union -- and especially France -- designates Israeli "injustice" and
    "occupation" as the unique sources of conflict between Europe and
    the Arab/Muslim world, and the cause of international, anti-Western
    Islamist terrorism.

    The contribution of /dhimmi/ Christian collaborationism to Islam is
    even more important. It satisfies three objectives: 1) its propaganda
    shores up the mythology of past and present peaceful Islamic-Christian
    coexistence and confirms the perfection of Islam, jihad, and sharia;
    2) it promotes the demographic expansion and proselytism of Islamic
    propaganda in the West; 3) in the theological sphere it eliminates the
    Jewish Jesus and implants Christianity in the Muslim Jesus, in other
    words it facilitates the theological Islamization of all Christendom.

    According to Islamic dogma, Islam encompasses Judaism and Christianity,
    both of which are falsified posterior expressions of the first and
    fundamental religion, which is Islam. All the characters of the
    Bible, from Adam to Abraham, Moses to David, the Hebrew prophets,
    Mary, Jesus, and the apostles, were Muslim prophets who preached
    Islam, and it is only in their quality as Muslims that they are
    recognized and respected. They belong to the Koran, not to the
    Bible. From this viewpoint the bond between Judaism and Christianity
    is a falsification, because the filiation of Christianity is Islamic,
    not Judaic. Christianity descends from Islam, the first religion of
    all humanity (/din al-fitra/). Christianity is a falsified expression
    of Islam, and belongs to Islam. According to a /hadith/, when Isa,
    the Muslim Jesus, returns, he will break the cross, kill the pig,
    abolish the /jizya/ (poll tax for infidels), and money will flow
    like water. Exegetes interpret the destruction of symbols attached
    to Christianity -- the cross and the pig -- as the extinction of that
    religion; the suppression of the /jizya/ means that Islam has become
    the only religion; and the abundance of wealth refers to the booty
    taken from infidels. In other words the return of the Muslim Jesus
    could lead to the destruction of Christianity.

    The global jihad has made the problems of dhimmitude a worldwide
    reality. Europe's creeping dhimmitude, expressed in a refusal even
    to mention in its proposed constitution the "Judeo-Christian" values
    of its civilization, is one of the major elements of the current
    European-American divide.

    Bat Yeor is the author of "The Decline of Eastern Christianity
    under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude." Her latest book, "Islam and
    Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide," has just been reprinted. A
    version of this article was first published in French and is translated
    by Nidra Poller in collaboration with the author.