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Armenian TV ridicules Azeri report of protest rallies in Karabakh

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  • Armenian TV ridicules Azeri report of protest rallies in Karabakh

    Armenian TV ridicules Azeri report of protest rallies in Karabakh

    Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
    24 May 04

    [Presenter] The Azerbaijani press has set a new record of hypocrisy
    due to its irresponsibility and by misleading its compatriots and the
    international community. According to the Azerbaijani Ekho newspaper,
    the Artsakh [Karabakh] Armenians have raised the Azerbaijani flag
    at a rally as a sign of their desire to be part of Azerbaijan. This
    news was received with laugh in Artsakh and Armenia, and they wished
    the Azerbaijanis saw this in their dreams.

    [Correspondent over video of Azeri newspapers, archive footage of
    Karabakh] According to the Azerbaijani press, rallies have been
    staged in Stepanakert [Xankandi] since mid-April during which the
    Karabakh Armenians raised the Azerbaijani flag and expressed their
    desire to return to Azerbaijan. One cannot read without laughing
    these lines in the Azerbaijani newspaper which say that the Armenians
    are attracted to Azerbaijan's prosperity and the Artsakh Armenians
    are seriously concerned about a possible resumption of hostilities,
    which, according to the Baku source, must be completed by a blitzkrieg.

    The Karabakh Foreign Ministry has said that there is no need to
    comment on this nonsense. A Regnum correspondent in Stepanakert noted
    that there is political stability in Stepanakert and that the second
    Armenian capital is living its usual peaceful life.

    The Azerbaijani newspaper's report is pure fuss which intends to
    refresh the Karabakh subject by means of internal forces and the
    international community. Soon after this report, the Azerbaijanis
    published another article which noted that Azerbaijan should beat
    Armenia at any cost in the information war. Apparently, Baku is using
    unclear and unfair struggle methods even in the information war. There
    is no Azerbaijani flag in Stepanakert and there will never be. But
    they are joking in Artsakh that finally one day the Armenian flag
    will be waving in the Azerbaijani capital.