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Authority as objective in itself or ensured changes

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  • Authority as objective in itself or ensured changes

    Authority as objective in itself or ensured changes

    Q&A with ARF Supreme Body of Armenia representative Armen Rustamian

    21 May 04

    Q: Mr. Rustamian, what conclusions can be made of the political
    developments of the passed year?

    A: Indeed, it is time to take a break and look back at the developments
    of the passed several months and give a proper assessment.

    The first wave of tensions has passed and has left its consequences. It
    is obvious that the opposition plans to raise another wave of
    tensions. What was the logic and reasons of the first wave? They should
    be divided into two parts: subjective which includes the strategy
    of the opposition and objective which is displeasure with certain
    unsolved problems in the country. Let us touch upon them separately.

    For one year on, the opposition, not recognizing the results of
    the elections, was trying to spread this view in the society and
    raise a wave of protest to artificially sharpen tensions so that
    revolutionary moods are shaped and the end the opposition appears to
    be the party that can relieve the society of the authorities. They
    made an impression that they resist the revolutionary passion of the
    people and fist try to solve the issue in the constitutional court.

    And due to it they come to the parliament. And since the authorities
    did not carry out the decision of the court, once more proving their
    illegal nature, all the legal ways are closed and the only solution
    is revolution. And the events that took place in our country were
    the results of that revolutionary behavior. At the same time, the
    authorities were accused of forcing them to pursue that way.

    This logic is destructive for the country. It also means that the
    opposition wants to create a new situation in Armenia and change the
    logics of development of the country.

    This was challenge to the authorities and the latter had to
    respond. Thus, there was a need for an alternative matching the
    situation, separating the objective and subjective layers. It was
    necessary to point out a solution which would keep the country safe
    from shocks and would bring it back to normal life, fostering reforms
    and making the solution of current issues effective.

    And as a result of this analysis, the Dashnaktsutiun made its
    well-known announcement which pointed out an alternative and said
    that otherwise there may be a conflict and nobody will benefit from
    it. The alternative is not the way of conflict but a way of passing the
    conflict to political field. This is what a dialogue implies. After
    that, a new situation would be created in Armenia. We suggested the
    mechanisms of reaching a political agreement. From that moment on,
    two processes started developing in the country.

    The first was the continuation of the opposition strategy which was not
    rejected by the opposition, and the second was the need to fix the need
    of a dialogue within the society mentality. There was a competition
    of two approaches and it ended in the victory of the second and more
    civilized one which is the dialogue. This is proved by the public
    feedback and the discussions with the intelligentsia organized by ARF.

    An important milestone in these developments was the European Council
    (EC) resolution which had certain remarks and suggestions in which the
    dialogue was underlined as a priority for breaking the deadlock. Thus,
    this idea definitely proves its vitality.

    The result of overcoming the first wave of tensions is that today
    we have a situation with a better articulated public demand and
    steps to be taken. These positive tendencies should be considered,
    as well as the negative sides. The objective is now to create a new
    political situation in the country which is also approved by the
    opposition. There is a positive tendency in the latest tendency which
    is that the political forces prioritize creation of such a situation.

    Q: What does the new political situation imply?

    A: We should admit that a great part of the society had an active
    participation in this process. The society certainly demands the
    following: there is no need for an abrupt regime change, but there
    is a need for ensured, radical changes and a political agreement
    over it. This is what we should fix as a formed public demand. Note
    that even if many people find regime change as a possible option also
    realize that it should be prepared.

    Suppose the president resigns and elections take place in 40 days,
    anyway if the elections would took place in this situation, there
    would be winners and losers. Our today's electoral resources are
    not such as to enable the losers to congratulate the winners. Again
    we will have a situation where the elections will be doubted. Thus,
    by trying to change the situation we will appear in a worse plight.

    Q: Why do you think the dialogue between the authorities and the
    opposition does not take place?

    A: One of the most important questions is who really wants the
    dialogue and who does not and why. It seems the suggestion of the
    coalition gave a real chance to the opposition have the authorities
    make serious changes in most important issues.

    This was not just a right to participate in discussions but an
    influential participation, with the right of veto. And in these terms
    the dialogue is rejected. I believe this makes clear that there are
    forces within the opposition who have the objective to provoke shocks
    in the country. This is explained by the simple logics that clashes
    are followed by negative consequences. Eventually, the opposition
    is to be accounted which will be then criticized by international
    organizations and weakened.

    The opposition will avoid the charges against it without implementing
    any goals of realizing projects or ideas. It will assume the shape
    of a force persecuted for political aspirations. In this way, the
    consequences of tensions will be more and more discussed than the
    reasons of all this. However, this is the way that should be rejected,
    since otherwise others will suffer. The impacts will fall on the
    country. One should not create artificial problems and then try to
    solve them on national level.

    Q: What steps do you see for emerging from the situation?

    A: Since there is a public demand for an agreement, the
    authorities-opposition relations should gain a new quality. Today's
    relations are antagonistic and lead to self-destruction.

    The authorities-opposition clash should have a creative nature. What
    we call the fight of opponents is quite right, but it should take
    place through joint efforts which is demanded by the simplest, classic
    dialectic principle. Fight without uniting goals is really destructive
    and unity without fight is inert. We should avoid these two extremes.

    Thus, preserving contradictions should not make them destructive. The
    country stability should be raised to a new level so that it really
    serves strengthening of our foreign positions for securing better
    development of the country. Thus, we should continue the process of
    political agreement and we should name the issues we have. First of
    all, we should prevent a second destructive wave.

    Both the authorities and the opposition should clarify their future
    steps. Let us start from the authorities. It must take care of
    solving actual issues including those already pointed out by the
    coalition. Regardless of whether the opposition joined or not, these
    issues must be focused on. Better mechanism for their salvation should
    be developed.