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CIS: Quantity, not quality

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  • CIS: Quantity, not quality

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    May 26, 2004, Wednesday


    SOURCE: Krasnaya Zvezda, May 22, 2004, p. 1

    by Roman Streshnev

    The latest meeting of CIS Council of Defense Ministers took place in
    Yerevan under the chairmanship of Foreign Minister Sergei Ivanov on
    May 21.

    Agenda of the meeting included over 20 issues ranging from
    military-political to military to military-technical cooperation.
    Special attention was paid to development and maintenance of combat
    readiness of the CIS Untied Antiaircraft Defense System. Defense
    ministers endorsed the Draft program of dealing with aerial forces
    and means of the potential enemy. Among other things, the document
    stipulates modernization and rearmament of antiaircraft defense
    systems comprising the CIS Untied Antiaircraft Defense System.

    Ministers also discussed the procedures and mechanisms of
    implementation of the CIS Program of military-technical cooperation
    and the plan of joint actions of tactical training in 2005. A large
    joint exercise is to be run in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan this August.
    Exercise West-Antiterror is to be run in Moldova in late June.
    Counter-terrorism units of some CIS countries including Russia,
    Ukraine, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan will participate in the exercise.

    Participants of the meeting also discussed coordination of positions
    in the struggle to prevent proliferation of weapons of mass
    destruction. Defense ministers touched upon activities of Collective
    Peacekeeping Forces in the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict area and
    methods of peacekeeper unit training. Some important decisions were
    made with regard to flights of combat aviation, establishment of a
    common system of communications, better cooperation in the sphere of
    weather forecasts. Some organizational and personnel matters were
    discussed as well.

    Ivanov attended several tete-a-tete meetings with his CIS opposite
    numbers. Specifically, he met with Defense Minister of Armenia Serzh
    Sarkisjan before the meeting of CIS defense ministers. The condition
    and prospects of military and military-technical cooperation between
    Russia and Armenia were discussed at the talks. To be more precise,
    Ivanov and Sarkisjan discussed deliveries of Russian military
    hardware to Armenia. Ivanov emphasized that Armenia as a member of
    the Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty was welcome to
    buy Russian military hardware at domestic prices. Yerevan already
    bought two IL-76 transports from Russia at this price. The agreement
    was made to continue the training of Armenian officers at military
    educational establishments in Russia.

    The ministers also discussed the prospects of establishment of a
    joined regional army group in the southern directorate on the basis
    of the 102nd Russian Military Base in Armenia. Ivanov said that there
    were no plans to reinforce the 102nd base but that it would get some
    modern weapons and military hardware. Ivanov announced that an
    emphasis would be made on quality, not quantity. "We view the base
    seriously and want the base, an element of the Russian Army Group in
    the Caucasus, to be properly equipped and capable of regular combat
    training," Ivanov said. "Generally speaking, there are no problems
    with our military cooperation or any problems around the 102nd base
    in Armenia..." Sarkisjan in his turn said that official Yerevan was
    not even thinking in terms of demanding withdrawal of the Russian
    troops from the territory of Armenia.

    Defense ministers of Russia and Armenia signed a protocol when the
    talks were over.

    Ivanov dwelt on a great deal of issues at the press conference
    afterwards. He denounced the rumors that Moscow intended to close the
    military base in Tajikistan and withdraw its contingent from the
    country altogether. Neither would there be a hasty withdrawal from
    Georgia, he said. "Time and considerable money is needed to settle
    the personnel and military hardware withdrawn from Georgia in
    Russia," Ivanov said. The upcoming Russian-Georgian are supposed to
    set the date of withdrawal of the Russian bases from Georgia and
    their status. Ivanov also denounced the rumors on the joint use of
    the Gabala radar installation in Azerbaijan by the Russian and
    American military. Asked for comments on the Russia - NATO relations,
    Ivanov replied, "Russia participates in exercises together with NATO
    only when it is convinced that this participation is useful. Our
    approach is selective. We promote our national interests first and