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Armenia frustrated as ties with Turkey remain strained

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  • Armenia frustrated as ties with Turkey remain strained

    Emil Danielyan: 5/28/04

    Eurasianet Organization
    May 28 2004

    Hopes for a rapprochement between Armenia and Turkey are fading,
    underscored by Armenian President Robert Kocharian's recent decision
    not to attend the late June NATO summit in Istanbul. Despite a flurry
    of diplomatic activity, Armenian officials say "no considerable
    progress" towards normalization has been made over the past year.

    For the last decade, Turkey has effectively linked the normalization
    of Ankara-Yerevan ties with resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. In mid 2003, Turkish officials first hinted that they were
    willing to consider decoupling the two issues, while raising the
    possibility that the Armenian-Turkish border could be reopened. Turkey
    sealed the frontier in 1993 - at the height of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict over Karabakh - as an act of solidarity with Baku. [For
    background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Turkey's effort to open the border prompted an immediate and prolonged
    outcry from Azerbaijani officials, prompting Ankara to retreat. [For
    background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. Baku argued that if
    Turkey opened its frontier with Armenia to trade, it would remove
    a vital incentive for Yerevan to make concessions in the Karabakh
    peace process, which at present is stalemated. [For background see
    the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Economic experts say an open Armenian-Turkish frontier would
    substantially reduce the transportation costs in Armenia's
    export/import operations, and make the country more attractive for
    potential foreign investors. According to a 2003 World Bank study,
    the border opening alone could boost Armenia's GDP by 30 percent.

    Now, Armenian officials aren't expecting to see the border reopened
    soon. "Unfortunately, the Turks have lacked the will to separate
    relations with Armenia from their alliance with Azerbaijan," one
    well-informed source told EurasiaNet. "As long as they stick to
    that policy serious progress in Turkish-Armenian relations will
    be impossible."

    Armenia expressed its displeasure via the announcement that Kocharian
    would skip the NATO summit. The decision was widely applauded in

    Just last June, there existed mounting optimism concerning
    Armenian-Turkish relations. Turkey itself raised hopes for
    normalization when the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan began sending signals about the reopening the border. In a
    policy speech, Erdogan made no mention of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict over Karabakh as he spoke about obstacles to normalizing
    ties with Armenia. He instead complained about Yerevan's continuing
    campaign for international recognition of the 1915-1922 slaughter of
    some 1.5 Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as genocide. Turkey vehemently
    denies that the mass killings and deportations constituted genocide.

    The change of rhetoric was welcomed by Yerevan and was followed by
    three meetings between the Armenian and Turkish foreign ministers in
    June, September and December 2003. Armenia's Vartan Oskanian emerged
    from the talks with cautiously optimistic statements. Other Armenian
    sources involved in the dialogue claimed that Ankara has decided
    in principle to lift the blockade before establishing diplomatic
    relations with Yerevan. Ironically, some of them suggested that the
    Turkish government might announce the ground-breaking development
    during the NATO summit in Istanbul.

    In mid-2003, regional and Western observers said Turkey's shift
    on the Armenian border issue could reflect positively on Turkey's
    long-standing bid to join the European Union. Of late, however,
    Ankara's efforts to obtain a date for the start of EU accession talks
    have been damaged by strong French opposition.

    For the time being, it seems that the status quo in Armenian-Turkish
    relations will hold. Indeed, the speaker of the Turkish parliament,
    Bulent Arinc, was quoted by the official Anatolia news agency as
    telling his Armenian counterpart Artur Baghdasarian in Strasbourg on
    May 19 that his country still wants Armenia to take "positive steps
    to settle the Karabakh problem" before making any overtures.

    But some observers believe that not much should be read into such
    statements. According to Van Krikorian, a prominent Armenian-American
    activist and a member of the US-sponsored Turkish-Armenian
    Reconciliation Commission (TARC), the reopening of the border this
    year remains "more than possible." [For additional information see
    the Eurasia Insight archive].

    "The technical evaluations are done, the international community
    supports it, and both the Turkish and Armenian people, including
    opponents, are ready for it," Krikorian said. "The real question is
    on what terms it should occur."

    "Azerbaijan is clearly, and can be, an obstacle to the border opening,
    but not an insurmountable obstacle if Turkey continues on its current
    path," he added.

    Editor's Note: Emil Danielyan is a Yerevan-based journalist and
    political analyst.