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Armenian Deployment in Iraq Hampered by Domestic Opposition

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  • Armenian Deployment in Iraq Hampered by Domestic Opposition

    Eurasianet Organization
    Nov. 5, 2004

    Emil Danielyan 11/05/04

    President Robert Kocharian's administration in Armenia appears to have
    pushed back plans to dispatch a contingent of non-combat troops to
    Iraq. The planned deployment has generated determined domestic
    opposition, with critics of the proposal cautioning that joining the
    US-led coalition could endanger the small ethnic Armenian community in

    Yerevan made what looked like a formal commitment to join the Iraq
    mission during President Robert Kocharian's official visit to Poland in
    early September. The Armenian military contingent would be largely
    symbolic -- comprising roughly 50 military personnel, including
    doctors, de-mining experts and truck drivers - and would serve under
    Polish command. Poland, a staunch US ally, leads a multinational
    division stationed in south-central Iraq.

    Since the initial announcement, little progress has been made toward
    deployment. Government officials announced in September that military
    personnel would be dispatched before the end of the year. But observers
    in Yerevan now wonder whether the government can meet this deadline.

    A prerequisite for deployment is an inspection visit to Iraq by an
    Armenian military delegation. The visit was originally slated for late
    September. However, Defense Ministry spokesman, Seyran Shahsuvarian,
    said on November 3 that such a mission has yet to take place.
    Shahsuvarian declined to specify a reason for the delay, and would not
    speculate on when the mission would occur.

    Armenia's parliament, meanwhile, has not received a formal request from
    the government to authorize the troop deployment -- something that is
    required under the Armenian constitution. The National Assembly
    ratified earlier this year an inter-governmental agreement with Kuwait
    that regulates the movements of Armenian military personnel through the
    Gulf state, which serves as the main logistical base for all foreign
    troops deploying to Iraq.

    Helping to explain the existing uncertainty is the fact that
    Kocharian's deployment plans have faced strong domestic opposition.
    Kocharian critics maintain that the presences of an Armenian military
    force in Iraq could prompt Iraqi insurgents to target the country's
    Armenian community, estimated at about 25,000, for reprisals. The
    insurgents have already captured and killed dozens of citizens of
    countries participating in the "coalition of the willing," or otherwise
    cooperating with it.

    Among those opposed to the Iraq mission is Armenia's biggest opposition
    group, the Justice alliance, along with at least two dozen
    non-governmental organizations. In late September, NGO representatives
    issued a joint statement, cautioning that the consequences of
    participation could be severe. "We risk turning a community of 25,000
    people into hostages," one of its signatories and a prominent
    environmentalist, Karine Danielian, warned. Iraqi Armenians have
    themselves exhorted Yerevan not to send troops. Their spiritual leader,
    Archbishop Avak Asadurian, expressed their concerns in separate letters
    to President Robert Kocharian and the Armenian parliament leadership.

    Significantly, two senior army generals have recently voiced opposition
    to deployment plans, marking a rare instance of public questioning of
    government policy by members of the Armenian army's top brass. One of
    them, Deputy Army Chief-of-Staff Enrico Apriamov, implied that the
    US-led invasion of Iraq had been a mistake.

    Concern for the security of the Armenian community was a major reason
    for the Kocharian government's refusal to back the Anglo-American
    invasion of Iraq in early 2003. Armenia welcomed the ensuing overthrow
    of Saddam Hussein and publicly expressed a desire to "participate in
    Iraq's post-war reconstruction" shortly afterward. An Armenian liaison
    officer was posted at the US Central Command in Florida in late 2003 -
    a move widely seen as a prelude to the troop dispatch.

    The commitment to deployment among Kocharian allies appears to remain
    strong - at least publicly. In recent televised remarks Defense
    Minister Serge Sarkisian said that while shares the critics' security
    concerns he believes that siding with the United States on Iraq is
    vital for Armenia's national interests. Foreign Minister Vartan
    Oskanian, for his part, argues that the Armenian participation would be
    solely "humanitarian" in nature. Another Armenian leader, Parliament
    Speaker Artur Baghdasarian, noted on October 29 that the United States
    has provided more than $1.5 billion in economic assistance to Armenia
    since independence, hinting that Yerevan should somehow express
    appreciation for the American largesse.

    Some pro-government media commentators say deployment should be
    considered by Armenians as a geopolitical necessity. They note that
    Armenia's neighbors, Azerbaijan and Georgia, already have hundreds of
    troops on the ground in Iraq. Deployment could help Armenia complement
    its military alliance with Russia with closer security ties with the
    United States and the West in general. A cosmetic Armenian military
    presence in Iraq, they add, is important for ensuring US neutrality in
    the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

    Some are skeptical that a troop contribution will produce greater
    political and economic support from the United States. Alexander
    Arzumanian, Armenia's former pro-Western foreign minister and an
    opponent of deployment, believes that risks far outweigh the possible
    geopolitical dividends. "I just don't see anything tangible we can get
    now in return for putting at risk the lives of a large number of
    Armenians," Arzumanian told EurasiaNet.

    Ultimately, it may turn out that decisions made in Poland will
    influence Armenia's final decision on deployment. Polish leaders are
    pondering whether to scale down its 2,500-strong military force in
    Iraq, or even withdraw it altogether by the end of 2005. Polish Defense
    Minister Jerzy Szmajdzinski called for a complete troop pullout in a
    newspaper interview last month. Although other officials in Warsaw,
    notably President Aleksander Kwasniewski, were quick to disavow the
    statement, continued Polish military presence in Iraq is now in serious

    Armenia's Prime Minister Andranik Markarian had that in mind when he
    told reporters recently, "After clarifying some questions we may go
    ahead or not go ahead [with the deployment]. Everything will depend on
    the situation."

    Editor's Note: Emil Danielyan is a Yerevan-based journalist and
    political analyst.