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Officials detain Armenian family fighting to stay in U.S.

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  • Officials detain Armenian family fighting to stay in U.S.

    Denver Post, CO
    Nov. 5, 2004

    Officials detain Armenian family fighting to stay in U.S.

    By Nancy Lofholm
    Denver Post Staff Writer

    Four weeping members of an Armenian family that has fought for five
    years to stay in America were taken into custody Thursday morning for

    Ruben, Gevorg, Meri and Hayk Sargsyan were incarcerated by U.S.
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in Aurora over the
    objections of their attorney, Jeff Joseph.

    Joseph said that immigration officials are ignoring a 2001 law creating
    special visas for immigrants who have been victims of human trafficking
    or violence.

    Joseph said he has asked for help from U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard, and if
    that fails, he plans to take the matter to federal court.

    "This is an absolutely overzealous interpretation of the law," Joseph

    He has filed for the special visas for the Sargsyans, claiming that
    they were victimized when they came to the United States with student
    visas in 1999.

    Immigration officials have told The Denver Post that the family's legal
    challenges have been exhausted, and it's time for them to return to

    The Sargsyans came to the Western Slope town of Ridgway after the
    eldest Sargsyan daughter, Nvart, married American Vaughn Huckfeldt. The
    Sargsyans allege that Huckfeldt abused his wife and took money from a
    number of other Armenians in the family's hometown of Yerevan,
    promising he would obtain visas for them. He left with the money, the
    Sargsyans said, and those who had been duped blamed the Sargsyans for
    Huckfeldt's actions.

    Huckfeldt eventually obtained visas for the Sargsyan family but
    reported them for being in the country on the wrong type of visa after
    Nvart filed for divorce.

    The Sargsyans say they fear persecution - even execution - by the
    Russian Mafia if they are sent back to Armenia.

    Joseph said that when his clients turned themselves over Thursday,
    officials refused to look at a petition signed by 1,500 Ouray County
    residents who urged that the Sargsyans be allowed to stay in the U.S.

    Pete Whiskeman, a Ridgway businessman who spearheaded the petition
    drive, said the family has done everything in its power to conform with
    the law.

    "But Immigration appears to be acting above the law."