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Books: A nice chap to drink with

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  • Books: A nice chap to drink with

    Independent on Sunday (London)
    November 7, 2004, Sunday


    by JAH WOBBLE Ouspensky: poetic and life-loving TOPHAM PICTUREPOINT

    I t is the fate of P D Ouspensky that whenever his name is mentioned,
    it is nearly always in relation to G I Gurdjieff, that mysterious
    "esoteric master" who turned up in Moscow around 1913, claiming to be
    a be a spiritual master. One thing is for sure: Gurdjieff, a powerful
    and mesmerising personality, was a master at encouraging and
    nurturing myths about himself and his origins. This of course makes
    him even more fascinating. According to popular belief, Gurdjieff was
    of Greek-Armenian parentage, and grew up in the Caucasus amongst
    various cultural and religious traditions. He claimed to have
    travelled extensively through remote areas of central Asia, stopping
    off at monasteries and the abodes of gurus, gaining great knowledge
    of all things esoteric, especially ritualistic dance. Initially
    Ouspensky was cynical about Gurdjieff and his ambitions to spread his
    knowledge to the West. However, he soon became his main disciple.
    George Gurdjieff and Peter Ouspensky embarked upon introducing the
    powerful ideas of the former's "Fourth Way". Gurdjieff believed that
    people were asleep, that they were in a sort of prison, and that they
    needed to escape. But of course he explained that is impossible to
    achieve that escape on your own. "You need the support of a
    organisation." (It's funny how they always say that.) Gurdjieff's
    system continues to be practised by groups all over the world.

    Predictably the two men fell out some years later. Ouspensky started
    his own operation, and wouldn't even let his students utter the name
    of Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff disparagingly said of Ouspensky that he was a
    nice person to drink vodka with, but was essentially a weak man, who
    lacked the necessary resolve to stick to the master's plan. Since
    then history has resigned Ouspensky to little more than a support
    role to Gurdjieff.

    This is not the first book to be written about P D Ouspensky. Colin
    Wilson's The Strange Life of P D Ouspensky and William Patrick
    Patterson's Struggle of the Magicians are probably the most notable.
    The most striking difference, between these books and Lachman's, is
    the latter's championing of Ouspensky's cause. Typically Ouspensky is
    portrayed as a bright yet flawed man, who betrayed his master's
    vision, and backed away from gaining true enlightenment. Lachman lays
    his cards on the table in the introduction. It transpires that in the
    late 1970s Lachman's world (like many others before him) had been
    rocked upon reading In Search of the Miraculous, Ouspensky's account
    of his time with Gurdjieff. Lachman subsequently immersed himself in
    other books written by Ouspensky, as well as books written by
    Gurdjieff himself. Indeed the author followed the teaching laid out
    in those writings for several years. Eventually however, Lachman
    moved on to explore other ideas. He was finally spurred into action
    upon reading Patterson's less than complimentary biography of
    Ouspensky: "As far as Patterson was concerned, Ouspensky failed to
    grasp the importance of Gurdjieff's mission and when it came to it,
    couldn't abandon his own independence, self-will, and egoism in order
    to devote himself entirely to Gurdjieff's work... But as I read on I
    found myself cheering for the wrong team."

    Even before reading Patterson's biography, the author had found
    himself revisiting, for the first time in years, Ouspensky's
    writings. Lo and behold, Lachman found that Ouspensky's works before
    meeting Gurdjieff were the most impressive of all, especially his
    only novel, the beautiful and deeply metaphysical The Strange Life of
    Ivan Osokin (which is a favourite of mine). I must say that I concur
    with the author on this one. In my twenties I read Meetings with
    Remarkable Men and other stuff on the "Fourth Way". However, I wasn't
    that taken with it. I found it to be a jumble of ideas that with the
    benefit of late-20th century hindsight (1960s hippie bullshit, dodgy
    ashrams etc) didn't hold water. Whereas Ivan Osokin had a wise and
    compassionate feel to it. Above all, it had humour and innocence.
    Lachman concludes that Gurdjieff had a negative effect on Ouspensky's
    personality, let alone his writing: "In the presence of the great
    master, poetic, life-loving Peter felt somehow childish and immature;
    all his philosophy and love of beauty and goodness were made to seem
    mere adolescent romanticism. So he changed himself, worked on
    himself, until that weakness disappeared and he became hard." True as
    that might be, it would be wrong to simply dismiss Gurdjieff as a
    charlatan and control freak. However, it's nice to see Ouspensky
    appear, albeit belatedly, from the shadow of his master.

    Indeed, Lachman would like it to be realised that before Ouspensky
    met Gurdjieff, writers such as J B Priestley, Aldous Huxley and
    Malcolm Lowry held him in high esteem. Ouspensky's ideas were also
    important to the avant-garde movements of the early 20th century, as
    well as to going some way towards laying the foundations for early
    Russian modernism. Weak, insignificant man? I don't think so.