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BAKU: Speaker pleased w/results of meeting with Armenian Counterpart

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  • BAKU: Speaker pleased w/results of meeting with Armenian Counterpart

    Azeri speaker pleased with results of France meeting with Armenian

    ANS TV, Baku
    7 Nov 04

    [Presenter] The heads of the Azerbaijani, Armenian and Georgian
    parliaments have agreed to set up a working group to study tourism
    opportunities and the present situation of historical and cultural
    monuments in these countries during their meeting in Versailles

    [Murtuz Alasgarov, chairman of the Azerbaijani parliament] I think
    this event is rather important. Overall, our visit was at a very high
    level. We stated our position, as we have done it before, that
    Azerbaijan's official stand is that we must liberate our occupied
    territories and refugees must return home. Our objective in general
    is to protect the territorial integrity of states in accordance with
    international norms.

    [Correspondent over video presumably of France] This is how Mr
    Alasgarov briefly described the negotiations in France. He said that
    it was proposed at the meeting of the speakers of all three countries
    to set up a working group to boost tourism. The group which will
    include five members from each of the three countries will examine
    tourism opportunities in the South Caucasus countries and cultural and
    historical monuments. The speaker said that the Azerbaijani delegation
    supported this proposal because the establishment of the working group
    did not contradict Baku's interests.

    [Alasgarov] We also have a lot of monuments in our occupied lands. I
    think we will also have our say there [in the working group] as to
    where and how many monuments have been destroyed and how many
    historical monuments we have. The biggest is Azix Cave in the
    territory of Fuzuli District, and its restoration and preservation are
    extremely important for us. Generally, the restoration of all
    national, cultural and historical monuments in Azerbaijan means the
    preservation of our national heritage.

    Holiday-making in Nagornyy Karabakh is that [changing tack], oh yes,
    meaning Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan - if people travel there, we
    will raise the issue of them travelling there with Azerbaijan's

    [Correspondent] Unlike the Strasbourg meeting of the speakers, this
    time no proposal was made to set up a Caucasus parliament.

    [Alasgarov] The speaker of the Armenian parliament had made such a
    proposal at the meeting in Strasbourg. I said that as long as the
    occupied [Azerbaijani] lands are not liberated, there can be no talk
    about a Caucasus parliament. Of course, there is a need for a common
    parliament of the Caucasus states, the South Caucasus republics, in
    the future in order to achieve economic growth in the region and
    develop relations. But since our lands are still under occupation,
    there can be no talk about that.

    [Correspondent] Murtuz Alasgarov said that the date for the next
    trilateral meeting is still to be fixed. It was the third time that
    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia had held a meeting in this format. One
    may wonder that although the Azerbaijani and Armenian speakers are
    negotiating at the highest level, Murtuz Alasgarov thinks it necessary
    to hold discussions with Armenian parliamentarians, too, within the
    framework of the 58th Rose-Roth seminar of the NATO Parliamentary
    Assembly. Mr Alasgarov explains his position in the following way.

    [Alasgarov] I think that there is no need for objecting to the visit
    by representatives of the [Armenian] parliament. They are not
    servicemen. They are representatives elected by the people. Let them
    come and we will have our say here as well. In any case, the purpose
    of this seminar and event where NATO representatives and members will
    be present is to raise the issue with NATO and see what kind of work
    NATO can do to get our occupied lands liberated.

    Ayaz Mirzayev and Emil Babaxanov for ANS.