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1979 hostage crisis raised tensions in US

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  • 1979 hostage crisis raised tensions in US

    Columbus Dispatch (Ohio)
    November 4, 2004 Thursday, Home Final Edition


    by Jeb Phillips, THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH

    Twenty-five years ago today, people who looked Middle Eastern had
    reason for concern in central Ohio.

    A Middle Eastern student was stabbed in the Ohio State University
    area after being taunted. Another's apartment was firebombed. An
    Oriental-rug dealer displayed a sign in the front window of his
    store: "We are Americans and we are proud of our country."

    In some ways, these and other incidents were a precursor of what
    would come after Sept. 11, 2001. But this was what followed Nov. 4,
    1979, after militant Islamic students had seized the U.S. Embassy in
    Tehran, Iran. For 444 days, the students held 52 Americans hostage,
    including Bert C. Moore of Mount Vernon, who died in 2000.

    Middle Easterners, particularly Iranians, living in the United States
    saw for the first time how their U.S. neighbors could see them as the
    enemy, even if they deplored what was happening in their homeland.

    "It was a very stressful time," said Behzad Bavarian, an Iranian who
    attended OSU from 1978 to '84 and is now an engineering professor at
    California State University in Northridge.

    A month after the embassy takeover, Jolah Bomjon Schuck, then a
    24-year-old Ohio Wesleyan student, was walking with her brother near
    OSU when they were confronted by a gang of young men, according to a
    Dispatch story. The men asked if they were Iranian. When they nodded
    yes, one man brandished a knife and stabbed Schuck in the leg as she
    tried to flee.

    Loyalties were complicated, said Nozar Alaolmolki, an Iranian who is
    a political science professor at Hiram College in northeastern Ohio.
    At the time of the hostage crisis, he was a young professor traveling
    between Iran and Ohio.

    "The problem here was the tendency to feel Iranians were all alike,"
    he said.

    Some Iranians in the United States, especially students, supported
    the hostage-takers, he said. They felt the United States had
    installed Iran's shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlevi, whom they viewed as
    corrupt. A revolution just before the hostage crisis sent the shah
    into exile and put the Ayatollah Khomeini in de facto power.

    The shah came to the United States in October 1979 for medical
    treatment. That angered Khomeini's followers and fueled the embassy

    Dozens of Iranians, including many students, demonstrated Downtown in
    support of the hostage-takers and against U.S. imperialism. They felt
    that Khomeini's rise was good for their country, Alaolmolki said.

    Some workers in Downtown office buildings spit on them.

    "(The students) wanted to establish a republic," Alaolmolki said of
    those celebrating the embassy takeover. But in his estimation, the
    students were proved wrong in supporting Khomeini's oppressive

    Iranian students who objected to the embassy takeover were painted
    with the same broad brush as those who supported it. All Iranian
    students in the United States had their visas examined to make sure
    they were in compliance. At least 14 "deportable aliens" were found
    at OSU.

    In September 1980, an officer of the an Iranian student association
    at OSU said that someone tossed a Molotov cocktail at his apartment
    building, The Dispatch reported.

    The unease spread to people Americans thought looked Iranian.

    Walter Menendian, 64, who is of Armenian heritage but was born in the
    United States, said that Iranian rugs made up about 15 percent of
    sales at his family store, K.A. Menendian Oriental Rugs on W. 5th
    Avenue in Columbus. He and his relatives could feel opinion turning
    against anything that even seemed Iranian, including their business.
    So they put the patriotic sign in the store window.

    "We thought it couldn't hurt," said Menendian, now retired.

    Still, the tension caused by the hostage crisis did not rise to the
    level of suspicion and "us-against-them" feeling that arose after
    Sept. 11.

    "The hostage crisis was remote," Alaolmolki said. "On 9/11, the
    visual evidence here was vivid."