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Moscow proposes joint S Caucasus railroad

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  • Moscow proposes joint S Caucasus railroad

    ISN, Switzerland
    Nov 8 2004

    Moscow proposes joint S Caucasus railroad

    Russia seeks to revive the South Caucasus Railroad and gain control
    over its operations in Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

    By Vladimir Socor for The Jamestown Foundation (08/11/04)

    The Russian government proposes to create a joint entity of the
    Russian, Georgian, Armenian, and Azeri railways for operating the
    South Caucasus Railroad, from the Russian-Georgian border via
    Abkhazia to Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Baku. If created, such a joint
    company would give Russia a preponderant role in the operations of
    the three countries' main railroad artery. Visiting the region on 1-3
    November, Russian Transport Minister Igor Levitin and Russian
    Railways president Gennady Fadeyev discussed the project with top
    government officials there. It envisages setting up a joint operating
    company to manage and upgrade the railroad, and a joint bank to
    finance restoration and upgrading, particularly of the Abkhaz section
    in Georgia. The governments of Russia and the three South Caucasus
    countries would finance part of that work and would also invite
    private capital investments into the joint company. The whole project
    hinges on reconstructing that section, which was severely damaged and
    idled during the 1992-1993 Russian military intervention in Georgia.
    As a result, Armenia and Azerbaijan lost their rail links to Russia.
    In the intervening decade, Armenia was hardest hit by the loss. The
    Russian government did not attach high priority to restoring the
    connection, but does so now as part of an effort to establish a
    North-South transport corridor and land bridge to Iran.

    A response to EU West-East transit corridor?
    Levitin and Fadeyev characterized the initiative as part of Russia's
    answer to the EU's planned West-East transit corridor to Asia via the
    South Caucasus. Moscow seeks to undercut it through a North-South
    transit corridor via the South Caucasus and Iran. Levitin and Fadeyev
    called for urgent action on the railroad, moving ahead of the EU: "If
    we don't start dealing with problem, we could lose huge transport
    flows […] This project's defining significance is a geopolitical
    one." In September this year, the state-owned Russian Railways
    reopened the Abkhaz section for partial service from the
    Russia-Georgia border station Vesyolaya to Sokhumi. The "reopening"
    is in fact a seizure of Georgian state property on Georgian territory
    without consulting Tbilisi, and indeed over its protests. Fadeyev
    attended triumphant celebrations of the reopening, and Russian
    Railways now runs the line as part of its network. The move has also
    completed the erasing of the Russia-Georgia border in the Abkhaz
    sector, now Russian-controlled on both sides. In Yerevan, Fadeyev
    signed letters of intent with his counterpart, Ararat Khimrian, and
    with Prime Minister Andranik Margarian on the two countries'
    participation in the proposed four-country joint company. Moscow and
    Yerevan will urgently task an expert group to draw up investment and
    business plans and will contribute to reconstruction of the
    railroad's Abkhaz and Armenian sections. This approach reflects
    Russia's proprietary attitude toward the Georgian state railway's
    Abkhaz section. Moscow expects Yerevan to continue lobbying with
    Tbilisi to go along with this. Russia also seems to expect that
    Armenia can afford to co-finance or borrow for the project.

    Downplaying the political implications for Georgia
    In Tbilisi, Levitin signed with Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania
    and Economics Minister Kakha Bendukidze a memorandum of understanding
    on creating expert groups for the project, focusing on restoration of
    the railroad's Abkhaz section. Bendukidze seemed to embrace this
    initiative. A free-market, free trade enthusiast, he
    characteristically downplayed the project's political and policy
    implications for Georgia. By contrast, Zhvania called for caution,
    citing Abkhazia's unstable political situation. He suggested
    postponing not only the decision, but even the creation of the expert
    group, pending clarification of the situation in Abkhazia. Moscow's
    initiative in effect discards the Russian-Georgian March 2003 Sochi
    agreement, whereby reconstruction of the Abkhaz section was to
    proceed in accord with the Georgian government and "in a synchronized
    manner" with the safe return of Georgian refugees to their homes in
    Abkhazia, beginning with the Gali district. The seizure of the
    Vesyolaya-Sokhumi railroad stretch canceled a part of the Sochi
    agreement. The whole agreement would be destroyed if the
    reconstruction-repatriation linkage were broken. Georgian Foreign
    Minister Salome Zourabishvili insists on maintaining that linkage to
    promote Georgia's minimal objectives in Abkhazia: return of refugees,
    Georgian-language schools, and a Georgian police presence in Gali.
    Apart from the reconstruction-repatriation linkage, Georgia currently
    has almost no leverage to achieve those goals. Moreover, the
    Vesyolaya-Sokhumi link, fully under Russian and Abkhaz control, might
    become the railway equivalent of the Roki highway tunnel in South
    Ossetia - that is, an avenue for contraband, unchecked migration, and
    arms deliveries. Russia's apparent sense of urgency - in its
    perceived geopolitical interests - to rebuild that railroad gives
    Georgia an opportunity to seek three elementary quid-pro-quos
    (pending a political settlement in Abkhazia): safe return of
    refugees, Russian recognition of Georgian ownership of the railroad's
    section in Abkhazia, and joint control of the Vesyolaya-Sokhumi line.
