A1 Plus | 14:14:17 | 08-11-2004 | Social |
Yerevan Municipality Monitoring Group for Conservancy studied activity
of 35 managing subjects in Yerevan and fixed: there are no sewer
outlet networks in 26 of them. As a result the industrial waste of
the establishments - chemical, food and sewerage, are thrown into
Getar and Hrazdan River. 7 out of 26 are located in Hrazdan Canyon.
Romik Kosemyan, head of Municipality Department on Conservancy,
has informed today that the owners of the subjects have been
fined. According to Kosemyan, Municipality has worked out a project,
under which all the managing subjects running in Yerevan will be
brought to the legislative field beginning from 2005.
A1 Plus | 14:14:17 | 08-11-2004 | Social |
Yerevan Municipality Monitoring Group for Conservancy studied activity
of 35 managing subjects in Yerevan and fixed: there are no sewer
outlet networks in 26 of them. As a result the industrial waste of
the establishments - chemical, food and sewerage, are thrown into
Getar and Hrazdan River. 7 out of 26 are located in Hrazdan Canyon.
Romik Kosemyan, head of Municipality Department on Conservancy,
has informed today that the owners of the subjects have been
fined. According to Kosemyan, Municipality has worked out a project,
under which all the managing subjects running in Yerevan will be
brought to the legislative field beginning from 2005.