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Next Destination Amsterdam

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  • Next Destination Amsterdam


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    09 Nov 04

    Landing at the island of Saint Lazarus, Venice, the crew of the Armenian ship
    â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~] making its maiden voyage continued their pilgrimage on the
    Their visit to Artsakh was even more important in this context. Besides the top
    officials of NKR the staff of Artsakh State University also had the
    opportunity to meet with the crew of the ship. On November 4 the crew of the
    visited the University. The full hall proved that many of the staff of the
    university kept track of the voyage of the â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~]. The fact that
    writer and publicist Zory Balayan was also member of the crew promised that the
    talk was going to be interesting. After the meeting we had a talk with Zory
    Balayan. â~@~S Why especially â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~]? â~@~S Because among the
    Armenian states sea had
    vital importance only for the Armenian kingdom of Cilicia. The kingdom had a
    fleet, prospering port towns. The aim of this undertaking was to revive the
    tradition of our ancestors. Being highlanders they were not afraid of the sea.
    The ship â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~] is the exact reproduction of the ships of that time.
    undertaking is not unique. Representatives of many other nationalities have
    tried to recall the techniques of the past and repeat what their ancestors did
    the past. It is also an original way of paying tribute to them. â~@~S What was
    the mission of the â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~]? â~@~S We made our voyage under the flags
    of the
    Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Nagorni Karabakh. The very fact can
    underlie the mission of â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~]. With only 85 square metres of surface
    is a bit of the homeland which visited its children spread all over the world.
    This was especially a great joy for those whose age and health do not allow
    them to visit Armenia at east once. All the Armenians irrespective of their
    belief, party affiliation, see their homeland in â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~]. On the other
    it turned out that by this voyage we assumed another mission as well. The
    survey conducted among the youth revealed that unfortunately 90 per cent of our
    young people is not only unaware but also indifferent towards their own history.
    We hope that the voyage of the â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~] will have a positive effect in
    sense that it will increase their interest in our historical past. Partly this
    aim will also be pursued by the â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~] and my work entitled
    where I will include information on the history of Cilicia. â~@~S Such an
    must have a continuation. â~@~S I think it will. We have already talked to RA
    president Robert Kocharian about it and we have returned to him the tricolor
    under which the â~@~Kilikiaâ~@~] sailed. We have also talked to the RA prime
    and Catholicos of All Armenians. We have the plan of the voyage which will start
    from the island of Saint Lazarus, and the destination will be Amsterdam.

