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BAKU: Germany & France consider Azerbaijan plays imp. role in S.Cauc

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  • BAKU: Germany & France consider Azerbaijan plays imp. role in S.Cauc

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Nov 10 2004

    [November 10, 2004, 14:14:35]

    On November 9, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar
    Mammadyarov has met the delegation headed by directors on political
    questions of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Germany and France
    Michael Scheffer and Stanislav Lefebvre de Labula.

    As was informed to AzerTAj from the press center of the Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs, Mr. Elmar Mammadyarov having noted, that Azerbaijan
    is satisfied with successful development of the relations with Germany
    and France, has told: "Recent official visits of the President of our
    country Ilham Aliyev to France and Germany have played important role
    in development of these relations. The Minister also has emphasized
    that it is important to make joint efforts to raise bilateral
    cooperation between these states on higher level.

    Having noted that cooperation of Azerbaijan with the European Union,
    the Council of Europe, the NATO, the United Nations Organization and
    other international structures is at a high level, the Minister of
    Foreign Affairs has told, that inclusion of our country to programs
    of European Union "New Neighborhood" and NATO "Individual plan for
    cooperation" are bright example of the even greater expansion of links
    between the sides. He has told: "The Azerbaijan leadership giving
    great value to the question of integration of our country in the
    European and Euro-Atlantic structures, democracy and civil society,
    making basis of these structures carries out important reforms for
    strengthening in our republic of such values, as human rights. In
    detail informing visitors about political, social and economic
    conditions in the country, the Minister has dwelt as well on the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict. Having noted, that
    the country is the supporter of the peace settlement of the conflict
    on the basis of norms of international law and under condition of
    preservation of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, Mr. Mammadyarov
    has told about artificial settling of the Armenians on the Azerbaijan
    lands occupied by Armenia. The Minister has expressed confidence that
    inclusion in the agenda of present session of General Assembly of the
    United Nations of the item "On position at the occupied territories",
    will draw attention of the international public to this question. He
    has told: "Efforts of the Azerbaijan side are not directed at all
    on replacing of OSCE Minsk Group engaged in definition of ways of
    resolution to the Nagorny Karabakh conflict, any other organization,
    and, on the contrary, it tries to assist in its activity.

    Having emphasized that Azerbaijan plays important role in preservation
    of stability in the region of Southern Caucasus, the visitors have
    noted, that the country possesses more potential to hold one of leading
    positions within the framework of the international organizations. The
    sides have carried out exchange of views on the general situation
    in the regional and international level, and have mentioned also
    questions of definition of the status of the Caspian and role of
    Azerbaijan in the international struggle against terrorism.

    At the meeting, also were discussed other questions representing
    mutual interest.