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Yasser Arafat In Soviet Armenia

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  • Yasser Arafat In Soviet Armenia

    Father of Palestinian nationalism dies


    Nubar Chalmian Recalls Palestinian Leaderā~@~Ys 1979 and 1980 Yerevan Visits

    12 Nov 04

    Few people today know that Yasser Arafat visited Yerevan in 1979 and
    1980 on his way back to Beirut from Moscow. Nubar Chalmian, professor
    of oriental studies at the Yerevan State University, accompanied
    Arafat during both visits as his interpreter. What is the impression
    the late leader of Palestinian nationalism left on Chalmian?

    "In 1979 I was told to accompany Yasser Arafat. I met him at the plane
    ladder. Everyone knew that Arafat is the leader of the Palestinian
    Liberation Organization (PLO) and that he is a real warrior. He was
    young at the time. First thing I noticed was his pistol chained to his
    side. He was in a military uniform spick and span", Chalmian recalls.

    Arafat was heading to his occupied fatherland via Yerevan
    and Beirut. His two bodyguards tried hard to cram into the most
    representative Soviet car of "Chayka" brand but after Arafat was told
    that Armenia is a safe country the bodyguards left him alone.

    "I was his interpreter. Levon Manaserian, head of the Department
    of International Relations of the Central Committee, his deputy
    Henrik Liloyan and minister of foreign affairs John Kirakosian were
    accompanying Arafat. They were put to take Arafat sightseeing around
    Yerevan. During our trip through Yerevan I noticed that Arafat peers
    at our buildings. Then he said that he is a builder and looks at the
    buildings with beautiful stones by builderā~@~Ys eyes. We told him that
    the stone is tuff, where we mine it and other details", Chalmian says.

    Arafat spent few hours of his visit observing Yerevan behind the
    window of his "Chayka". After the trip across Yerevan he returned
    to the VIP lounge of the airport were Armenians had set a rich table
    for the dear guest.

    "It was during the days of Ramadan. Arafat immediately said that he
    is fasting and has no right to eat. We tried to convince him telling
    that he is in Armenia. Nothing helped: Arafat was inflexible. His
    bodyguards refused to sit at the table too", Chalmian recalls.

    Situation was embarrassing. "Suppose you invited someone to your house,
    and he eats nothing. There was everything on the table: barbeque,
    cognac, Armenian fruits. We decided to put everything in a basket
    and give him to take with himself".

    Arafatā~@~Ys second visit to Armenia was in 1980, again on his way
    back from Moscow to Beirut and again only for few hours. This time
    again Chalmian interpreted him. "I clearly remember that day. It
    was a delegation of 11 representatives of the PLO headed by Yasser
    Arafat. They were negotiating with Brezhnev in Moscow. If I am not
    mistaken, Soviet Union promised to provide Palestine with the next
    weapon supply against Israel".

    This time Arafat was hosted at the Hrazdan hotel. Foreign minister
    John Kirakosian gave lasting toast, spoke of the Armenian Cause
    and drew parallels between the fates of Armenian and Palestinian
    nations. Arafat said a toast in response.

    "I remember few interesting instants from the second visit. As an
    interpreter I again met Arafat at the ladder. The Russian guard asked
    Arafatā~@~Ys bodyguard what was in his case. The bodyguard explained
    that he cannot open it as there were guns that shoot bullets if
    opened", Chalmian recalls.

    The plane transporting Arafat had also on its board few dozens of
    Armenian children from Diaspora who spent summer holidays in their
    homeland and were going back to Lebanon. "While the plane was getting
    ready for take-off an airport security official came to our leader
    and asked whether it was save to transport our children in the same
    plane with Arafat. Only fancy, people were thinking of terrorism at
    that time", Chalmian says.

    The press did not cover Yasser Arafatā~@~Ys first Yerevan visit. His
    second visit was covered by Sovetakan Hayastan newspaper which shortly
    informed that Arafat was in Yerevan for 1-2 hours.

    By Tatoul Hakobian
