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Armenian paper mulls reasons for security chief's resignation

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  • Armenian paper mulls reasons for security chief's resignation

    Armenian paper mulls reasons for security chief's resignation

    Aykakan Zhamanak, Yerevan
    10 Nov 04

    Karlos Petrosyan is unlikely to have resigned voluntarily as head of
    the Armenian National Security Service, according to an article in
    opposition newspaper Aykakan Zhamanak. An MP told the paper that
    Petrosyan had left his post because President Robert Kocharyan
    wanted to redistribute spheres of economic influence amongst the
    "oligarchs". Moreover, Petrosyan is a supporter of parliament chairman
    Artur Bagdasaryan, whose pro-French tendency has recently been losing
    out to American ideology, opposition MP Mayak Ovanesyan said. The
    following is the text of Naira Zograbyan's report in Armenian newspaper
    Aykakan Zhamanak on 10 November headlined "Mystical resignation. The
    resignation of the head of the National Security Service remains
    a mystery":

    Over the last few days the resignation of the head of the
    National Security Service, Karlos Petrosyan, has caused the most
    scandal. Certainly it would be frivolous to think that Karlos
    Petrosyan himself wrote his retirement application, which is the
    official version. Especially since we were talking to him on 27
    October and he did not intend to leave his post.

    For several days now political circles have been talking about the
    reasons for the resignation. The first of the reasons put forward are
    numerous stories connected with Karlos Petrosyan's son. According to
    some sources, Robert Kocharyan could not forgive an event that took
    place about two years ago, when Petrosyan's son in a jeep crossed
    the cortege that was accompanying Kocharyan. According to the same
    source, this story was added to the story of a stolen jeep, driven
    by Petrosyan's son. By the way, they say that this car was put on
    international police lists. But these stories ended and if Kocharyan
    had decided to retire Karlos Petrosyan because of his son's impudent
    behaviour, he would have done it earlier.

    By the way, yesterday [9 November] during a talk with an official the
    latter said that recently a group of public and political functionaries
    gathered in a private house not far from Yerevan to discuss settling
    today's crisis in Armenia by means of pan-national mutiny. Karlos
    Petrosyan knew of this meeting but did not tell Robert Kocharyan
    about it.

    Anyway, National Assembly Deputy Mayak Ovanesyan said that he is aware
    of the only real reason for Karlos Petrosyan's resignation. "Nobody
    takes into account a very important condition: on the post-Soviet
    territory Karlos Petrosyan became the only head of security who is a
    big oligarch as well and provided protection for the oligarchs and
    deputies who deal in wheat and other imports of goods of strategic
    significance. Nothing unusual has taken place: simply a redistribution
    of spheres of economic influence has occurred. Kocharyan has adopted
    a decision to take the economic spheres belonging to Karlos Petrosyan
    and redistribute them among other clans. One must not search for other
    reasons for his resignation. And very soon you will see that in future
    the means of Karlos Petrosyan's economic group will be redistributed
    among other economic circles. Petrosyan's clan will start retreating
    and this will be a forced retreat," Mayak Ovanesyan is sure.

    But why was, let us say, [Defence Minister] Serzh Sarkisyan's economic
    clan better than Karlos Petrosyan's? And why has Kocharyan decided
    to redistribute Petrosyan's economic spheres just today? Mayak
    Ovanesyan has an answer to this question too: "The point is that
    Karlos Petrosyan was openly supporting Artur Bagdasaryan [chairman
    of the National Assembly]. That is, he was simply giving direction
    to the political processes, and if his political role as head of
    the National Security Service grew day by day, it could break the
    whole political field. Because in countries like Armenia it is one
    thing when the defence minister deals in policy and quite another
    thing when the national security head is simply giving direction to
    political processes. Moreover, one should also take an external world
    factor into account. It is known that the Law-Governed Country Party
    [Orinats Yerkir] is regarded as a pro-French force, but recently
    in our region the question was put in another way: will a general
    Western ideology win or specifically an American ideology about which
    President Bush has spoken many times? It is evident that recently
    American ideology was more influential in our region. For this
    reason it is natural that France should decrease its appetite in our
    region, and the resignation of Karlos Petrosyan, who is a political
    'protector' of the French protege, the Law-Governed Country Party,
    should be seen in the context of the decrease in France's appetite,"
    Mayak Ovanesyan is sure.

    Of course, it would be correct to have just Karlos Petrosyan's comment
    on the numerous reasons for his sudden resignation, but he is refusing
    to answer any questions. When talking with us before his resignation,
    Karlos Petrosyan said that if somebody can prove that he owns cafes,
    territories and other property or sponsors something, he is ready to
    go to any notary's office and give all this to that person as a gift.