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Official Azerbaijan struggles to come to terms with shadow inflation

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  • Official Azerbaijan struggles to come to terms with shadow inflation

    Official Azerbaijan struggles to come to terms with shadow inflation
    by Simon Ostrovsky

    Agence France Presse -- English
    November 14, 2004 Sunday 3:42 AM GMT

    BAKU Nov 14 -- He wasn't sure at first, but about a month ago
    a shopkeeper in a district on the outskirts of the Azeri capital
    noticed that the loaves of bread he stocks were getting smaller.

    "You see? It weighs 240 grams (8.4 ounces)," said Elshin, who preferred
    not to give his last name. "They're making the bread smaller so that
    they don't have to sell it at a higher price," he said as he placed
    the bread on an electronic scale.

    Like a whole range of consumer products, the round, flat bread, a
    staple in Azerbaijan, is feeling inflationary pressure unacknowledged
    by the Azeri government but obvious to ordinary people for more than
    a month.

    For years the bread's price has stood at 500 manat (10 cents), but a
    month ago a standard loaf weighed more than twice as much as it does
    now for the same price, Elshin said.

    "Only in Azerbaijan could they have come up with this."

    Consumer prices have gone up in the past month by as much as 40 percent
    on everything from butter to taxi fares, but the government seems loath
    to admit it and official statistics are not registering the change.

    At the same time public sector wages and pensions have remained
    stagnant, putting many products out of reach for the poor.

    Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh, where Azerbaijan and its rival
    Armenia waged war in the early 1990s, are an especially vulnerable
    group hardest hit by the rising prices.

    "I can't afford to buy the most basic things anymore," said 80-year-old
    Jafar Shirinogly, since 1993 a refugee from the Agdam region, which
    is currently under Armenian control.

    Shirinogly said high oil prices, which have been a boon for
    oil-producer Azerbaijan, have not led to an increase in his 20-dollar
    monthly pension. "The oil is not for us, our rulers are too corrupt."

    Azerbaijan's president, Ilham Aliyev, told AFP the growth in prices
    was natural and there was little that could be done to stop it.

    "This is all not a very good phenomenon, neither the government nor
    the president are satisfied with this situation, but let's not make
    this out to be a tragedy," he said.

    While prices have risen noticeably over the past month, opposition
    parties said it was the government's sudden decision to raise fuel
    prices by as much as threefold earlier this month that really triggered
    the crunch on other consumer goods.

    "The government should create a stable social net for the population
    before taking these steps," said Gulamguseyn Aliyev, deputy chairman
    of the People's Front party in Azerbaijan's parliament.

    On Wednesday, police disbanded a protest against higher fuel prices
    staged by the party near city hall in Baku, arresting 16. The
    protesters were released the same day.

    Economists agree in part with the People's Front -- Azerbaijan
    recently caved in to the demands of the International Monetary Fund
    to get its domestic fuel prices in line with world market value --
    but an unusually high level of corruption in the Azeri economy is
    also to blame for the inflation, they say.

    The government claims inflation has remained static at a rate of six
    percent, but Nazim Imanov, an independent economist in Baku, said
    high levels of corruption have led to a real inflation rate that is
    closer to 10 percent.

    "No large transaction in Azerbaijan goes through without a bribe
    being paid to an official, so when officials start asking for more,
    overall prices go up," he said.

    Corruption effects the prices in subtler ways, too, according to

    "Officials inflate costs for state-funded projects so that they can
    stick the remainder in their pocket -- they are essentially increasing
    money inflow, which also leads to inflation," he said.

    "This is especially true for a country that is getting oil windfalls."

    A recent study by Transparency International, the global corruption
    watchdog, gave Azerbaijan one of its lowest overall "clean" scores,
    ranking it 140th on a list of 146 countries.

    But big business and the government are willing to turn a blind eye
    to the corruption and the inflation that comes with it if it means
    there can be stability, said Rena Safaraliyeva, executive director
    of Transparency International in Azerbaijan.

    "This is unacceptable if we want to develop the economy outside of
    the oil sector," Safaraliyeva said.

    Economists say inflation in healthy doses is good for the economy,
    because it makes local products cheaper to buy with foreign currency,
    which encourages exports.

    But according to Imanov, prices are growing in dollar values as well,
    erasing any gain a depreciating manat could have given domestic
    producers interested in export.

    "The dollar and the manat are both so widely used here that they are
    interchangeable, so when prices grow in manat, they grow in dollars
    too, this is a very rare phenomenon," he said.