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What can be changed by another report?

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  • What can be changed by another report?

    What can be changed by another report?

    By Karine Mangasarian

    November 12, 2004

    NA Vice-Speaker Vahan Hovhannisian yesterday presented third report of
    the` Committee on researches of effective use of foreign trenches,
    grants, humanitarian aid,' which concerned the use of credits provided
    to the Yerevan Water Sewage cjsc in years 1999-2003. Hovhannisian said
    that the water systems reforms cause anxiety and may result in rise of
    water taxes.

    Before arriving to that conclusion the temporary committee researched
    the summary rendered by the Aukon auditing company as of
    01.07.2002. According to the summary the repair of the whole system
    takes some 83.6 billion AMD, re-evaluated amortization - 55 b AMD, as
    a result of which the re-evaluated value is 28.5 b AMD. These results
    were nearly fully accepted by the government decision N1952.

    The Vice-Speaker prioritizes the circumstance that according to the
    Aukon the rise of the re-evaluated value was indicated in the lines of
    `Structures' and `Houses, buildings,' constituting about 85 per
    cent. However, the KPMG independent auditing company researches bring
    different data according to which about 55 per cent of re-evaluated
    value is in the `Machineryâ=80=9D and ` Transportation' lines.

    Hovhannisian said: `As we know, the machinery and transportation
    amortization periods are 5 years, i.e. each year we can count 20%
    amortization of its cost in contrast to buildings which have an
    amortization period of 20 years. And accounting excessive amortization
    causes rise of self cost.' He also prioritized the need to address
    this issue on the parliamentary level.

    The Vice-Speaker also quoted a peace of the report of the KPMG
    auditing company regarding the Italian `El Utility' company. The
    conclusion said that ` without parliamentary assistance the Yerevan
    Water Sewage company will be hardly able to carry out its activities.'

    The speech maker summed up saying that the WB donation of 30 million
    dollars is not sufficient for the improvement of the system. He also
    reminded that in addition to this trench the Armenian government also
    provided 4 million dollars.

    `It appears that without government assistance this project cannot be
    implemented,' says Hovhannisian suggesting to `exile the Italian `El
    Utility' which somehow happened to win the WB grant' from the country.

    The discussions will be continued in the next session. But since the
    parliament does not have the relevant authorities in rendering
    punishment, the case may e interesting for judges.