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Lessons on religion to become compulsory at Russian schools

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  • Lessons on religion to become compulsory at Russian schools

    Pravda, Russia
    Nov 15 2004

    Lessons on religion to become compulsory at Russian schools

    Moscow authorities offended Russia's leading confession when
    substituted lessons in Orthodox culture with lessons in the history
    of world religions

    Disputes about religion lessons in the secular school are still
    heated. It seems to be generally admitted that pupils should know the
    history of religion as part of the world history. But today the scope
    of the lessons in the history of religion is in the focus of the
    disputes. Russia's Minister for Education and Science Andrey Fursenko
    spoke at the 2004 All-Russian Social Forum and stood up for lessons
    in the history of world religions at school. He said at that the
    lessons must not be optional and they are to be taught by secular
    teachers. Andrey Fursenko says lessons in the fundamentals of the
    world religions should be secular, and pupils must be given an option
    at that. The minister thinks the lessons in the history of religion
    differ from religious studies carried out by clergymen of various
    confessions and religions. "In this country, the school goes
    separately from the church; pupils are given secular education, that
    is why religion lessons cannot be compulsory at state schools,"
    Andrey Fursenko says. The Ministry for Education and Science is now
    compiling textbooks and drafts of two manuals on history of

    The Russian Orthodox Church supports introduction of the fundamentals
    of the Orthodox Culture. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II
    says introduction of these lessons is advisable because school
    children should be given education in religion. He also emphasized
    the lessons are important as Orthodoxy is Russia's major religion.
    The Patriarch also says that followers of Islam, Buddhism or Judaism
    may study their cultures as well. "Every civilized man must know the
    history of his culture. The whole of Russia's history is based upon
    Orthodox traditions and moral principles," Alexy II says. Generations
    to come must know Russian historical figures such as Daniil of
    Moscow, Dmitry Donskoy and Ivan Kalita, he adds.

    Opponents to introduction of Orthodox culture fundamentals at schools
    often say they would not let God's Law be taught at schools. But the
    Patriarch explains that history of Orthodox culture is not a
    religious subject. These lessons would make school children
    acquainted with Russia's thousand-year culture if introduced at
    schools as optional studies, he adds.

    It was in 1992 that introduction of optional courses in God's Law at
    schools was touched upon for the first time. In 1993, head of the
    Church education department Abbot Iohannes Ekonomtsev suggested
    establishing of a dialogue between the church and the government as
    concerning education issues. Soon, the Patriarch, the Moscow State
    University President Viktor Sadovnichy and several academicians wrote
    a letter requesting to introduce theology at higher education

    January 16, 1999 the Patriarchate and the Ministry for Education
    concluded an agreement on cooperation. However, the minister for
    education was still negative as concerning introduction of Orthodox
    culture lessons at schools even till 2002. In August 2002, President
    Vladimir Putin said fundamentals of Orthodox culture may be
    introduced as optional lessons at schools.

    However, Moscow authorities disagree with Putin's opinion. Head of
    the Education Department in the Moscow administration Lyubov Kezina
    says "Orthodox lessons cannot be introduced at schools not to disturb
    people practicing other religions". Officials say it is important
    because Moscow is the city where followers of various confessions
    live. Instead of lessons in fundamentals of Orthodox culture, the
    Moscow education department introduced lessons in all religions at
    once; secular experts developed the course.

    Secretary of the Moscow Patriarchate Public Relations department
    Mikhail Dudko said in an interview to RIA Novosti that Russian
    Moslems, Jews and Buddhists insist that fundamentals of any
    particular religion must be taught in those parts of the country
    where majority of the population practice this religion. He adds that
    the situation is quite different in Moscow today. Fundamentals of
    Orthodox culture are already taught in some parts of the country, but
    no intensification of ethnic hatred has been registered there. On the
    contrary, Mikhail Dudko says that such knowledge helps people
    understand each other better. Indeed, major achievements of the
    Russian culture in architecture, painting and literature are also
    connected with Orthodoxy. People must know everything about the
    religion that formed the history and the culture of the country.

    Spokespersons for the Russian Orthodox Church say that some parts of
    the textbook about fundamentals of the world religions were not
    coordinated with the church. So, opinion of church experts is ignored
    at that. The new course was not coordinated with clergymen of other
    confessions as well.

    What about religion lessons abroad?

    Fundamentals of Orthodoxy have been taught at schools of Serbia,
    Romania, in Central Europe and Baltic countries, Georgia and Armenia
    for several years already. Many schools in Ukraine begin their
    lessons with Our Father prayer. Religion is traditionally taught in
    majority of state schools in Europe, which agrees with the secular
    education there. Lessons in religion fundamentals are obligatory at
    schools of Germany, Finland and Norway. Majority of Britain's private
    schools have chapels where pupils attend services two or three times
    a week. Pupils practicing other religions may not attend these

    In 1962, the US Supreme Court decreed that school lessons in religion
    disagreed with the Constitution; as a result, the Bible, the Koran,
    the Talmud and other religion books were withdrawn from school
    libraries. Today, religion lessons are optional in the USA. After
    dictator Franko died in Spain, school lessons in religion became
    optional there as well.

    Yegor Belous

    Read the original in Russian: (Translated
    by: Maria Gousseva)