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Erdogan comments on EU membership issues

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  • Erdogan comments on EU membership issues

    Cyprus PIO - Occupied Cyprus
    Nov 16 2004

    Erdogan comments on EU membership issues

    Ankara Anatolia news agency (14/11/04) reported from Istanbul that
    the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan on Sunday attended a
    breakfast with citizens at Marmara University in Istanbul.
    He said: ''Direct foreign capital flow to Turkey will increase after
    December 17th. During our meetings with countries, they say, 'we
    invest in Turkey. We believe in confidence milieu and stability in
    Turkey. But it should be supported in legal dimension.' So the EU is
    important at this point. However, we do not consider the EU only as
    an economic participation or an economic contribution to Turkey. It
    was a thing of the past.

    Now, there is the problem of definition of EU. Turkey completed the
    legal process about it. But de facto process has not been solved yet.
    Following our serious struggles, Christianity expression was not
    included in the EU Constitution. Despite all these issues, their
    sensitivity continues. We cannot underestimate this".

    Erdogan noted: ''The EU has to accept Turkey's accession to have
    consensus of civilizations happen. If they do not accept Turkey, this
    will be a deficiency for the EU. We have fulfilled the Copenhagen
    political criteria. We fulfilled our tasks. Now, they will have a
    test after December 17th. They will give Turkey the place it deserves
    in this road map regarding the negotiation process. If they do not,
    we clearly say that we will change the name of the Copenhagen
    political criteria as Ankara political criteria and we continue our

    Erdogan reminded the statements of European Parliament president who
    said 'Turkey has fulfilled the changes in a very short time and
    surprised us,' and added: ''Following these statements, everything
    which is done now seems emotional to me. International diplomacy does
    not accept emotionality. The Seminary and Armenian issues cannot be
    discussed before December 17th. We shall firstly solve December 17th
    and then we will discuss the seminary and Armenian problems besides
    other issues.

    We are loyal to conventions and true to our promises, and we have
    pursued our diplomacy under these promises,'' he added. Presenting
    the Cyprus issue as an example, Erdogan said: ''While the Greek
    Cypriot side rejected peace, the ´Turkish Republic of Northern
    Cyprus´ wanted peace in the island.

    However, isolations are still imposed on Turkish Cypriots. The Greek
    Cypriot side joined EU. It is a test of sincerity.''