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Russian Energy Minister comments on energy reforms

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  • Russian Energy Minister comments on energy reforms

    RosBusinessConsulting Database
    November 18, 2004 Thursday 10:24 am, EST

    Energy Minister comments on energy reforms

    The issue of handing control over assets of RAO UES to the Federal
    Network Company will be solved after the plan for liberalizing the
    market for electrical energy is clear, Russian Energy Minister Viktor
    Khristenko told journalists. According to him, the future of foreign
    assets of RAO UES is not clear as yet. Currently RAO UES subsidiary
    Inter RAO UES controls operations of the holding related to imports
    or exports. The company may be restructured into a subsidiary of the
    Federal Network Company.

    RAO UES owns Armenian and Georgian assets and plans to acquire energy
    companies in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.