November 18, 2004
Armenian Genocide Resource Center
5400 McBryde Ave
Richmond, CA 94805
(510) 965-0152
Contact: Richard Kloian
Armenian Genocide Educational posters now on the Internet
After four years of research and two years in production by a
dedicated artist in Portland, Oregon, a set of five instructional
posters on the Armenian Genocide has just been released and is now
available for viewing and free download on the web.
The posters were recently unveiled at an educator workhop in Oakland
California where the largest professional teacher training
organization in the U.S, Facing History and Ourselves, announced to
San Francisco Bay Area teachers and members of the community attending
their availability and endorsed the use of the posters in its national
teaching program on the Armenian Genocide.
The set of five theme oriented instructional posters teach about the
Armenian Genocide and provide a visual overview of key events related
to the genocide, its prelude, methodology, and aftermath.
Each illustrated poster measures 19"x25" and includes photographs,
text, graphics and a chronology, allowing teachers and students to
easily conceptualize and grasp essential facts related to each theme,
and provides teachers with a template for further instruction,
exploration and study.
The posters have been teacher-tested and endorsed by Facing History
and Ourselves,which will be using them in its six regional offices. A
teacher study guide prepared by FHAO will be forthcoming soon.
Please see the following website for a detailed description of the
posters and information on how to obtain hard copies. A description of
the posters is below:
PANEL 1: Prelude to Genocide
A brief chronology of Ottoman history from 1502 to 1913 revealing the
myths and realities of Ottoman History and a list of major historical
events that led up to the Armenian massacres of 1894-96, 1909 and the
genocide of 1915. Includes an overview of the corrupt Ottoman
taxation system and the failed treaties that sought to protect the
Armenian minority in the Ottoman Empire against increasing abuses and
PANEL 2: Decapitation of a Nation
Includes a chronology of monthly events from Feb 1914 to May 1915
leading up to the genocide, the decision by Turkish leaders for the
genocide and their justification for it, the Turkish methodology to
first destroy Armenian leaders and intellectuals, the reaction to the
genocide by the Allies who for the first time warned Turkish leaders
for their "Crimes against Humanity" setting a legal precedent for a
concept used in future war crimes tribunals.
PANEL 3: Deportation
A chronology of monthly events from May 1915 to Feb 1916 showing the
deportation as a ruse for destruction of the Armenians. The full
U.S. State Dept translation of the Official Proclamation of
Deportation by the Young Turks showing the demonization of the
Armenians and the authorization for the genocide. Observations and
statements by Swiss, German and American eyewitnesses attesting to the
intent of the Turkish government to destroy the Armenians. Includes
photographs of the deportations, deportees, and survivors.
PANEL 4: Extermination
A chronology of monthly events from Oct 1916 to March 1918 with quotes
by major figures from the period describing in detail the deliberate
destruction of the Armenians and listing the growing reaction by
public figures in the U.S. and elsewhere to the genocide. Includes a
map showing the deportations and massacres, photographs of the victims
and refugees, many taken under threat of death.
PANEL 5: Aftermath
A chronology of related monthly events from May 1918 to July 1923
describing the fate of the survivors, Armenian women sold in slave
markets or taken in Moslem harems, the forced Islamization of
children, scenes of starvation and destitution with hundreds of
thousands of refugees seeking food, shelter and relief, the continued
destruction of Armenians in 1920 by Turkish Nationalist forces, a
discussion of treaties that first sought to atone for the injustices
upon the Armenians and then relegated their plight to the backwaters
of history thus giving impunity to the Turkish state and paving the
way for the denial that continues to today. Includes a map and
photographs of the refugees.
Armenian Genocide Resource Center
5400 McBryde Ave
Richmond, CA 94805
(510) 965-0152
Contact: Richard Kloian
Armenian Genocide Educational posters now on the Internet
After four years of research and two years in production by a
dedicated artist in Portland, Oregon, a set of five instructional
posters on the Armenian Genocide has just been released and is now
available for viewing and free download on the web.
The posters were recently unveiled at an educator workhop in Oakland
California where the largest professional teacher training
organization in the U.S, Facing History and Ourselves, announced to
San Francisco Bay Area teachers and members of the community attending
their availability and endorsed the use of the posters in its national
teaching program on the Armenian Genocide.
The set of five theme oriented instructional posters teach about the
Armenian Genocide and provide a visual overview of key events related
to the genocide, its prelude, methodology, and aftermath.
Each illustrated poster measures 19"x25" and includes photographs,
text, graphics and a chronology, allowing teachers and students to
easily conceptualize and grasp essential facts related to each theme,
and provides teachers with a template for further instruction,
exploration and study.
The posters have been teacher-tested and endorsed by Facing History
and Ourselves,which will be using them in its six regional offices. A
teacher study guide prepared by FHAO will be forthcoming soon.
Please see the following website for a detailed description of the
posters and information on how to obtain hard copies. A description of
the posters is below:
PANEL 1: Prelude to Genocide
A brief chronology of Ottoman history from 1502 to 1913 revealing the
myths and realities of Ottoman History and a list of major historical
events that led up to the Armenian massacres of 1894-96, 1909 and the
genocide of 1915. Includes an overview of the corrupt Ottoman
taxation system and the failed treaties that sought to protect the
Armenian minority in the Ottoman Empire against increasing abuses and
PANEL 2: Decapitation of a Nation
Includes a chronology of monthly events from Feb 1914 to May 1915
leading up to the genocide, the decision by Turkish leaders for the
genocide and their justification for it, the Turkish methodology to
first destroy Armenian leaders and intellectuals, the reaction to the
genocide by the Allies who for the first time warned Turkish leaders
for their "Crimes against Humanity" setting a legal precedent for a
concept used in future war crimes tribunals.
PANEL 3: Deportation
A chronology of monthly events from May 1915 to Feb 1916 showing the
deportation as a ruse for destruction of the Armenians. The full
U.S. State Dept translation of the Official Proclamation of
Deportation by the Young Turks showing the demonization of the
Armenians and the authorization for the genocide. Observations and
statements by Swiss, German and American eyewitnesses attesting to the
intent of the Turkish government to destroy the Armenians. Includes
photographs of the deportations, deportees, and survivors.
PANEL 4: Extermination
A chronology of monthly events from Oct 1916 to March 1918 with quotes
by major figures from the period describing in detail the deliberate
destruction of the Armenians and listing the growing reaction by
public figures in the U.S. and elsewhere to the genocide. Includes a
map showing the deportations and massacres, photographs of the victims
and refugees, many taken under threat of death.
PANEL 5: Aftermath
A chronology of related monthly events from May 1918 to July 1923
describing the fate of the survivors, Armenian women sold in slave
markets or taken in Moslem harems, the forced Islamization of
children, scenes of starvation and destitution with hundreds of
thousands of refugees seeking food, shelter and relief, the continued
destruction of Armenians in 1920 by Turkish Nationalist forces, a
discussion of treaties that first sought to atone for the injustices
upon the Armenians and then relegated their plight to the backwaters
of history thus giving impunity to the Turkish state and paving the
way for the denial that continues to today. Includes a map and
photographs of the refugees.