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BAKU: Motions of Azerbaijan deputies accepted unanimously

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  • BAKU: Motions of Azerbaijan deputies accepted unanimously

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    18 Nov 04

    [November 18, 2004, 23:01:01]

    As correspondent of AzerTAj informs, on November 17, the next sitting
    of Political Committee of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
    Europe has taken place in the residence of the Council of Europe in
    Paris. Discussed was questions: "Carrying out of `a round table» in
    connection with political conditions in the Chechen Republic',
    `Discussion of the report on the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh
    conflict', ` Situation in Macedonia' and others.

    During discussion of the question concerning the report on the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict, the Russian deputy
    Michael Margelov presiding at the sitting has brought to the
    attention of members of Committee, that the report as a whole would
    not be discussed, will be simply given answers to the questions
    connected to the report and made amendments in separate items of the
    draft resolution. Then, he gave floor to the reporter from group of
    democrats David Atkinson.

    The deputy from England has noted that in spite of the fact that the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict was repeatedly
    discussed in many international organizations, but promotions in this
    area is not achieved, he informed about the meetings carried out by
    him with deputies of Azerbaijan and Armenia in the PACE, that has
    familiarized with their offers, has emphasized importance of making
    serious steps shortly in the peace settlement of the conflict. He has
    noted, that the Acting Chairman of PACE Terry Davis before election
    on this post has prepared the detailed report and that after
    appointment of him as a reporter, he has made serious amendments to
    the report.

    Deputy of Milli Majlis Asim Mollazade, having reminded about
    realization of ethnic cleaning by Armenia in Azerbaijan territories
    occupied by it, that there did not remain any Azerbaijani, has
    addressed David Atkinson with such question: `Why in the report has
    found the reflection of idea on involvement to negotiations of the
    Armenian community, the Azerbaijan community is not mentioned?'

    The reporter has accepted the remark of the Azerbaijan deputy and
    promised before January session, on which the report will be
    discussed, bring in this question to the report.

    Then, discussions around of amendments to separate positions of the
    draft resolution have taken place.

    The deputy from Armenia Tigran Torosyan has made protest against the
    motion` The territory of Nagorny Karabakh is controlled by separatist
    forces', found reflection in the report, and has told, that it sounds
    as insult in address of the Armenians of Nagorny Karabakh.

    Asim Mollazade, sharply having objected against the remark of the
    Armenian deputy, has told that, on the contrary, the motion sounds
    softly, it would be more exact to use here expression "radical
    separatists', he has especially emphasized, that Azerbaijanis from
    our occupied territories have been driven from the native lands of
    their fathers and grandfathers by separatist forces.

    The deputy from France Daniel Gule has noted, that more than one
    million Azerbaijan refugees and IDPs violently ousted by the Armenian
    armed forces, live in heavy conditions, that their rights were
    violated and having specified that in the report the question
    connected with the right of these people is not displayed, has
    brought the motion to bring to the report in the question on
    protection of their rights and return to the native lands.

    Asim Mollazade has reminded that in due time the parliament of
    Armenia has accepted the decision about annexation of Nagorny
    Karabakh to this country, having noted, that this decision completely
    contradicts norms of international law and that Armenia till today
    does not recognize territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, that military
    forces of the next state serve on our occupied territories.

    The head of delegation of Milli Majlis in PACE Samad Seyidov has
    recognized expedient to use in the report instead of expression
    "occupied territories" ` occupied territories of Azerbaijan'.

    All motions of the Azerbaijan deputies connected to amendments of 15
    items of the draft resolution, it is possible to tell, have been
    accepted unanimously.

    Thus, the next sitting of Political Committee rounded its work. At
    the sitting, there was head of permanent mission of Azerbaijan at
    Council of Europe Agshin Mehdiyev.