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Student Council Heads Question Social Survey Findings of ARF

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  • Student Council Heads Question Social Survey Findings of ARF


    YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 19. ARMINFO. The social survey, conducted by the
    Student Union after Nikol Aghbalian, a youth wing of Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaksutiun), was held on a
    non-professional level and does not reflect the real level of
    corruption in higher educational establishments, the heads of student
    councils of three major institutes of Armenia from Yerevan Medical
    University, Institute of Physical Training and Agricultural Academy
    stated today.

    Armen Ashotian, assistant to the rector of Yerevan Medical University
    names the surveys as a "political order" or "black PR." Concurrently,
    representatives of student councils do not exclude that corruption, in
    fact, exists at Armenian higher educational establishments. "To engage
    in a reasonably fight against corruption, professional sociologists
    should have been invited," the student council of Institute of
    Physical Training Gagik Sarkissian said. Armen Ashotian even proposed
    to donate half of the funds needed to conduct a professional study. He
    said his institute is ready to provide several thousand dollars to
    prove that Medical University is one of the most active opponents of
    corruption. Ashotian refuted the findings of the survey which said
    that the medical university is the most corrupt institution among
    higher educational establishments in Armenia. They challenge "the good
    name of the university where some 1000 foreign students study bringing
    $6 mln in revenues to the republic," he said.

    To remind, Student Union after Nikol Aghbalian unveiled the findings
    of a student opinion poll in higher educational establishments of
    Armenia three days ago. The survey was conducted by the youth wing of
    ARF (Dashnaksutiun) in September-October 2004 among 1100 student from
    11 state higher educational establishments. Corruption is considered
    ineratible by 72% of Yerevan State University students, 67% -
    Institute of Physical Training, 64%-Yerevan Linguistics Institute
    after Brusov, 65% - Agricultural Academy. The major reason of
    corruption was named as low salaries of faculty (18%), avoiding
    military service (17%) and sponsorship of corruption by upper
    authorities of the higher educational establishments (16%).

    The survey also unveiled other interesting findings. The most corrupt
    are considered examinations for post-graduate studies (22%) and
    entrance exams (21%). More effective ways for fighting corruption are
    considered leadership of universities (22%), effective government
    policy (20% and students themselves (17%). Students of Yerevan State
    University also indicated the role of mass media (25%), youth
    organizations (22%) and student council which the respondents
    mentioned the least, only 10%.

    The authors of the study also sent letters to the rectors of 11
    institutes asking to tell how many cases of corruption were detected
    in the course of 2000 to 2004. Only Yerevan Institute of Physical
    Training responded saying that 5 faculty members were sacked for
    corruption and another department head moved to an ordinary
    faculty. The rectors of all other institutes answered that no cases of
    corruption have been reported in their establishments during the last
    4 years. -A-