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Parliamentary speaker welcomes youth visit to Karabakh

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  • Parliamentary speaker welcomes youth visit to Karabakh

    Parliamentary speaker welcomes youth visit to Karabakh

    Noyan Tapan news agency, Yerevan
    18 Nov 04

    Stepanakert , 18 November: The chairman of the Nagornyy Karabakh
    Republic [NKR] parliament, Oleg Yesayan, received a group of youth
    organizations from various countries, who are visiting Artsakh
    [Karabakh], and also members of NKR youth organizations on 16

    The head of the public relations department at the International
    All-Armenian Youth Centre (Yerevan), which is the initiator of the
    young activists' visit to the NKR, group leader Ruben Markosyan noted
    that the purpose of the visit is to familiarize the guests with the
    formation of youth activity in Nagornyy Karabakh, with achievements
    and problems in the public, political, legislative, social-economic
    and educational-cultural spheres.

    It was noted that young people from Sweden, Italy, Bulgaria, Serbia
    and Montenegro, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Latvia and also
    various international youth organizations have arrived in Artsakh.

    For his part, Oleg Yesayan said that the NKR authorities are
    interested in such visits, as they provide an opportunity to show the
    world how, under a political, communications and also information
    blockade and without international aid, the people of Artsakh and
    their leadership are building an independent and sovereign state.

    "We think", he said, "that we are far from our final goal, but we have
    definitely come a long way." It was noted that the NKR authorities,
    including the National Assembly, spoke highly of the Artsakh youth
    organizations' work.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress