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Rome: No One May Use Religion as Tool of Violence, Says Pope

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  • Rome: No One May Use Religion as Tool of Violence, Says Pope

    Zenit News Agency, Italy
    Nov 19 2004

    No One May Use Religion as Tool of Violence, Says Pope

    Meets Muslims, Orthodox and Jews From Azerbaijan

    VATICAN CITY, NOV. 18, 2004 ( John Paul II insists that
    no one has the right to use religion as an instrument of intolerance
    or violence.

    The Pope delivered that message today as he greeted in audience a
    delegation of Muslim, Orthodox and Jewish religious representatives
    from Azerbaijan.

    The delegation was in Rome to return the Holy Father's visit in 2002
    to their Caucasus country, which has only about 300 Catholics.

    Among the guests today were Allahshyukyur Pashazade, leader of the
    Caucasus Muslims; Orthodox Bishop Aleksandr of Baku and the Caspian
    region, a member of the Russian Orthodox Church; and the head of the
    Caucasus Jewish community.

    "May your visit to the Pope of Rome be a symbol for the world,
    namely, may it show that tolerance is possible, and is a value of
    civilization, which posits the premises for a fuller and more
    solidaristic human, civil and social development," John Paul II said
    in his welcome address.

    "No one has the right to present or use religions as instrument of
    intolerance, as a means of aggression, violence or death," he
    stressed in his address, which he delivered in Russian.

    "On the contrary, their reciprocal friendship and esteem, if
    supported also by the government leaders' commitment to tolerance,
    constitutes a rich resource of authentic progress and peace," the
    Pope said.

    "Together -- Muslims, Jews, Christians -- we wish to address in the
    name of God and of civilization an appeal to humanity to halt
    murderous violence and undertake the path of love and justice for
    all," the Holy Father continued.

    The Pontiff highlighted the fact that "this is the path of religions"
    and expressed the hope "that God will help us to go forward on this
    path with perseverance and patience."

    John Paul II also referred to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, an
    Armenian enclave in Azerbaijani territory, which triggered a war
    between both states in 1991 and ended with the cease-fire of 1994 and
    Armenia's annexation, not only of the disputed territory, but of
    other Azerbaijani lands as well.

    The Pope expressed his heartfelt hope that "Azerbaijan will return to
    the fullness of peace." He said that this conflict, "as all other
    disputes, must be addressed with good will, in the mutual search for
    reciprocal openings of understanding and in a spirit of genuine

    In a statement published after the meeting, Vatican spokesman Joaquín
    Navarro Valls revealed that "during the audience the religious
    leaders confirmed to the Pope their constant commitment to
    collaborate with peace and to promote peaceful coexistence among the
    different religions."

    The republic of Azerbaijan, which became independent after the
    collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, has 7.8 million inhabitants,
    mostly Muslims.

    The Catholic community in Azerbaijan virtually disappeared during
    Stalin's persecutions, and the Catholic church in Baku was destroyed.
    On the occasion of the Pope's visit, then President Heider Aliev made
    available a plot of land in the center of Baku to build a Catholic