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The ULP Opposes Policy Conducted By Coalition

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  • The ULP Opposes Policy Conducted By Coalition


    20 Nov 04

    The United Labor Party is no radical opposition and doesnâ~@~Yt accept
    the policy conducted by the radical opposition. The ULP opposes the
    policy of the coalition. At the same time, the party is very consistent
    in its activities and will never give up its commitments. Thus, the
    ULP has no oppositional attitude and status regarding RA President
    Robert Kocharian, as in 2003, the party considered the program of
    Robert Kocharian the closest to its ideas among the other candidates
    in the presidential elections.

    Criticizing the coalition, it will try to avert any slight violation
    of the program, as in case Robert Kocharian fails to carry out its
    program, the ULP will have to share responsibility for that. At
    present, the ULP is studying the activities of the executive power
    during 2004 and makes a final conclusion about the bill on "RA State
    Budget in 2005." This conclusion will be represented at the parliament
    soon. Gourgen Arsenian, leader of the ULP faction, emphasized the
    importance of managing the expenses and not the results. Thus, the
    executive power should know the benefits gained from each allocation.

    Arsenian promised to represent data concerning the activities of
    all spheres in RA, i.e. they will point out concrete spheres where
    resources were wasted.

    Gourgen Arsenian, the guest of the National Press Club, answering the
    questions of journalists, touched upon the discussion of important
    issues with RA President in various formats. He said that they resemble
    clashes of the views and they can be decisive very frequently. For
    example, the fate of the law "On Higher and Post-Graduate Education"
    was decided during the discussion with RA President, instead of being
    considered at the Parliament.

    Arsenian evaluated "the people suffering from revolutionary nonsense"
    as "agents of the foreign special services" and emphasized that
    at present, in Armenia the political power and the responsibility
    the political parties share is growing. The aim of the process is to
    maintain the political power and to secure its consistency by political
    elections only. According to Gourgen Arsenian, the ULP doesnâ~@~Yt
    strive for any executive power, including the post of RA President,
    as it is carrying out the duty of the publicâ~@~Ys service. According
    to the ULP, the most acceptable candidate for RA President will be
    the person accepted by the people who carry the power.

    According to him, the struggle for power carried out otherwise
    resembles a childish way like "Let me play a bit," that is a quite
    dangerous phenomenon for Armenia.

    By Nana Petrosian
