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Defense Intelligence Report Details Al Qaeda's Plans For Russia,Chechnya

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  • Defense Intelligence Report Details Al Qaeda's Plans For Russia,Chechnya

    Defense Intelligence Report Details Al Qaeda's Plans For Russia, Chechnya & WMD

    20 Nov 04

    Terrorists in Chechnya Are Financed through Azerbaijan

    Pentagon has revealed documents that testify about Usama bin
    Ladenâ~@~Ys plan to move Al Qaeda to Chechnya, as the West will never
    bomb Russia. The WorldNet Daily Internet periodical writes about this,
    referring to web site of Judicial Watch NGO.

    Judicial Watch investigates and persecutes government corruption. In
    particular, Tom Fitton, president of the organization, in 2000
    wandered why Clinton, former US President, ordered to bomb al Shifa
    plant and the neighboring territories of Khost, Afghanistan, where the
    training camp of al Qaeda was supposed to be situated. Pentagonâ~@~Ys
    investigation states in Fittonâ~@~Ys answer that the investigation of
    the Defense Secretary knew about the activities of Usama bin Laden
    and his terrorists. One of the striking points of the statement was
    the information that there is a stable "direct route from Pakistan
    and Afghanistan through Turkey and Azerbaijan to Chechnya" financed
    by the terrorists." Fitton insists that Al Qaeda and Azerbaijan are
    connected. Referring to Pentagon, he stated that al Qaeda functions
    in the Central Asia, too.

    This is not the first case when Azerbaijan is accused of having
    relations with Usama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. These relations were
    established in the mid-1990s. Azerbaijan, according to the data of the
    American Congress, is among the 34 countries that have relations with
    Al Qaeda. Late Heidar Aliyev had to express his readiness to support
    the anti-terrorist war declared by the US government. On October 23,
    2002, The Trend Azeri news agency informed that over 3 dozens of
    terrorists, members of Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist
    organizations were arrested in Baku and banished to Egypt and other
    Arabic states.

    The most active among the extremist groups is Islamic Jihad that is
    considered to be most important wing of Al Qaeda. In 2000, two members
    of Azeri offshoot of Jihad were arrested in London. According to US
    State Department, one of the detained was Ibrahim Eydaruz, the head
    of the Baku branch of the organization. The latter was involved in
    the explosions of the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

    Before 1999, there were serious proofs that Azerbaijan was used
    as a base for al Qaeda. American Associated Press agency informed
    on November 14, 1999, that bin Laden participated at least in two
    battles of Karabakh war. Itâ~@~Ys worth mentioning that in early 90s
    Baku tried to give religious shades to the Karabakh war and get the
    support of Islamic extremist organizations.

    Bakuâ~@~Ys Ekho newspaper wrote in its September 1s issue, 2001,
    that Jamal Ahmed el Fadl, member of Al Qaeda, was arrested with
    the accusation of participating in explosions of the US embassies
    in Kenya and Tanzania. Jamal Ahmed el Fadl said that al Qaeda had
    unfolded serious activities in Azerbaijan since 1989.

    The Moscow News weekly wrote in its September 11 issue in 2000,
    that Heidar Aliyev hired over 1000 mojahedins for the war against
    Karabakh in the summer of 1993. Before Aliyev came to power, Chechen
    terrorists were fighting in the war against the Armenians in Karabakh.

    Thus, Shamil Basaev said in the interview to Bakuâ~@~Ys ANS TV: "To
    tell the truth, I called off my mojahedins from Azerbaijan myself. We
    went there (Karabakh) for Jihad only." The terrorist confessed in
    the interview that in 1992 he was in Karabakh with his mojahedins
    for several times and was among the last terrorists to leave Shushi.

    Two Azeri newspapers touched upon the release spread by Pentagon. The
    525 Gazette notices in the article entitled "New Accusation against
    Azerbaijan" that this is not the first case when an attempt is made
    to accuse Azerbaijan of secret cooperation with Al Qaeda. While Yeni
    Zaman writes that America tries to press Azerbaijan by spreading such
    accusations so that Azerbaijan doesnâ~@~Yt object about the location
    of the US military bases in the territory of Azerbaijan.

    By Tatoul Hakobian
