Iran: Bomber of Revolution Court building appeals against death sentence
Baztab web site
0 Nov 04
Tehran, 20 November: After investigations into the dossiers of two
people responsible for bombing the building the Islamic Revolution
Court in Tehran, the Branch Six of the court has condemned one of
them to death.
Iran daily reported that Hojjat Z., a member of the Monafeqin [i.e.
Mojahedin-e Khalq] Organization, is accused of bombing the building of
the Revolution Court on 12 khordad 1377 [2 June 1999] and martyring
three people - Haj Hasan Salehi, Mozafar Nikzad and Wilhelm Aton
(an Armenian compatriot) - and injuring 22.
At the end of the trial the court found the two guilty. As the main
element responsible for the bombing Hojjat Z. was condemned to death
and his culprit condemned to imprisonment.
The dossier has been sent to the Supreme Court with the appeal of
the accused.
From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress
Baztab web site
0 Nov 04
Tehran, 20 November: After investigations into the dossiers of two
people responsible for bombing the building the Islamic Revolution
Court in Tehran, the Branch Six of the court has condemned one of
them to death.
Iran daily reported that Hojjat Z., a member of the Monafeqin [i.e.
Mojahedin-e Khalq] Organization, is accused of bombing the building of
the Revolution Court on 12 khordad 1377 [2 June 1999] and martyring
three people - Haj Hasan Salehi, Mozafar Nikzad and Wilhelm Aton
(an Armenian compatriot) - and injuring 22.
At the end of the trial the court found the two guilty. As the main
element responsible for the bombing Hojjat Z. was condemned to death
and his culprit condemned to imprisonment.
The dossier has been sent to the Supreme Court with the appeal of
the accused.
From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress