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Turkey's Dark Past

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  • Turkey's Dark Past, CA
    Nov 22 2004

    Turkey's Dark Past
    By Gamaliel Isaac | November 22, 2004

    On November 16, 2004, Frontpage magazine posted an article from the
    New Europe Review, by Mustafa Akyol, titled "European Muslims and the
    Quest for the Soul of Islam." In the article Akyol argued that a new
    more tolerant interpretation of Islam should be constructed and that
    "A great deal of shariah laws — like killing of apostates, stoning of
    adulterers, seclusion of women, compulsory prayer, required dress
    code, punishments for drinking or even possessing alcohol — have
    simply no basis in the Qur'an." He wrote that Turkey has an Islamic
    heritage free of anti-Westernism and anti-Semitism and argued that it
    will benefit the West if Turkey is admitted into the European Union.

    Does Turkey have an Islamic Heritage Free of anti-Westernism and

    The statement of Mr Akyol that Turkey has an Islamic Heritage free of
    anti-westernism and anti-semitism is inaccurate. We need only look at
    Turkey's long history of conquest of Western countries and
    persecution of conquered westerners.

    In the 14th century Turkey conquered Hungary, Bulgaria, Macedonia,
    and Romania. Turkey was stopped only as it lay seige to Vienna. For
    hundreds of years thereafter Turks oppressed and engaged in periodic
    slaughters of their Christian subjects. In his history of Islam, The
    Sword and The Prophet, Serge Trifkovic wrote about the history of the
    Turkish oppression of the Armenian Christians as follows:

    "The Ottomans lurched from outrage to outrage. Regular slaughters of
    Armenians in Bayazid (1877), Alashgurd (1879), Sassun (1894),
    Constantinople (1896), Adana (1909) and Armenia itself (1895-96)
    claimed a total of two hundred thousand lives, but they were only
    rehearsals for the genocide of 1915. The slaughter of Christians in
    Alexandria in 1881 was only a rehearsal for the artificial famine
    induced by the Turks in 1915-16 that killed over a hundred thousand
    Maronite Christians in Lebanon and Syria. So imminent and
    ever-present was the peril, and so fresh the memory of these events
    in the minds of the non-Moslems, that illiterate Christian mothers
    dated events as so many years before or after "such and such a
    massacre." Across the Middle East, the bloodshed of 1915-1922 finally
    destroyed ancient Christian communities and cultures that had
    survived since Roman times-groups like the Jacobites (Syrian
    Orthodox), Nestorians (Iraqi Orthodox), and Chaldaeans (Iraqi

    The burning of the Greek city of Smyrna and the massacre and
    scattering of its three hundred thousand Christian inhabitants is one
    of the most poignant - if not, after the vast outrages of the 20th
    century, the bloodiest - crimes in all history. It marked the end of
    the Greek community in Asia Minor. On the eve of its destruction,
    Smyrna was a bustling port and commercial center. It was a genuinely
    civilized, in the old-world sense, place. An American consul-general
    later remembered a busy social life that included teas, dances,
    musical afternoons, games of tennis and bridge, and soirees given in
    the salons of the highly cultured Armenian and Greek bourgeoisie.

    Sic gloria transit: sporadic killings of Christians, mostly
    Armenians, started as soon as the Turks overran it on September 9,
    1922. Within days, they escalated to mass slaughter. It did not "get
    out of hand," however, in the sense of an uncontrolled chaos
    perpetrated by an uncommanded military rabble. The Turkish military
    authorities deliberately escalated it. The Greek Orthodox Bishop
    Chrysostomos remained with his flock. "It is the tradition of the
    Greek Church and the duty of the priest to stay with his
    congregation," he replied to those begging him to flee. The Moslem
    mob fell upon him, uprooted his eyes and, as he was bleeding, dragged
    him by his beard through the streets of the Turkish quarter, beating
    and kicking him. Every now and then, when he had the strength to do
    so, he would raise his right hand and blessed his persecutors. A Turk
    got so furious at this gesture that he cut off his hand with his
    sword. He fell to the ground, and was hacked to pieces by the angry
    mob. The carnage culminated in the burning of Smyrna, which started
    on September 13 when the Turks put the Armenian quarter to torch and
    the conflagration engulfed the city. The remaining inhabitants were
    trapped at the seafront, from which there was no escaping the flames
    on one side, or Turkish bayonets on the other. This was the end of
    Christianity in Asia Minor, whose history goes back to events
    recorded in the New Testament itself."

    Marjorie Housepian in her book The Smyrna Affair, quoted a missionary
    eyewitness who said the Turkish Muslims actually enjoyed massacring
    the Armenian Christians. He said:

    "The slaughter of the Armenians was a joy to the Turks, a massacre
    was heralded by the blowing of trumpets and concluded by a
    procession. Accompanied by the prayers of the mullahs and muezzins,
    who from the minarets implored the blessings of Allah, the slaughter
    was accomplished in admirable order according to a well arranged
    plan. The crowd, supplied with arms by the authorities, joined most
    amicably with the soldiers and the Kurdish Hamidieh on these festive
    occasions. The Turkish women stimulated their heroes by raising a
    gutteral shriek of their war cry, the Zilghit, and deafening the
    hopeless despair of their victims by singing their nuptial songs. A
    kind of wild cannibal humour seized the crowd...the savage crew did
    not even spare the children."

    The Turks have committed atrocities against other minorities as well,
    The Tower of skulls of Chele Kula shown below, is a monument to the
    Turkish savagery against the Serbs in the early 1800s

    Lest we think "Well that was ancient history", as recently as 1974
    Turkey invaded Cyprus. Just as the Romans renamed Israel, Palestine
    in order to erase the memory of the Jewish State, the Turks have
    renamed all the cities and towns in Cyprus. They have also destroyed
    concrete evidence of the Christian and Greek history of the area of
    Cyprus under their control. According to an article in the Guardian
    ('The Rape of northern Cyprus', 5.6.1976)

    "...The vandalism and desecration are so methodical and so widespread
    that they amount to institutionalized obliteration of everything
    sacred to a Greek [...] In some instances, an entire graveyard of 50
    or more tombs had been reduced to pieces or rubble no larger than a
    matchbox...we found the chapel of Ayios Demetrios at Ardhana empty
    but for the remains of the altar plinth, and that was fouled with
    human excrement[...] At Syngrasis [...] the broken crucifix was
    drenched in urine.. At Lefkoniko [...the interior of Gaidhouras
    church...] was overlooked by an armless Christ on a smashed
    crucifix.. Tombs gaped open wherever we went... crosses bearing the
    pictures of those buried beneath [...] had been flattened and

    Cypriots who oppose the Turks are treated severely; in 1996 the Greek
    Cypriot demonstrator, Anastasios (Tasos) Isaak, was beaten to death
    by the Turkish occupation forces. According to the Greek Cypriot
    Magazine Selides. August, 1996, one thousand six hundred and nineteen
    Greek Cypriots and Greeks who were taken as prisoners of war during
    the Turkish invasion of Cyprus are still missing.

    The Turkish Heritage of Anti-Semitism

    Although there have indeed been periods when Turkey has been more
    tolerant of Jews than Christian Europe, Mustapha Akyol's claim that
    Turkey has an Islamic heritage free of anti-semitism is false. Andrew
    Bostom, in his article Turkish "Tolerance of Jews", A Sobering
    Historical Assessment" quotes Professor Maoz who wrote that:

    "Like their Christian fellow subjects, the Jews were inferior
    citizens in the Muslim-Ottoman state which was based on the principle
    of Muslim superiority. They were regarded as state protégés (dhimmis)
    and had to pay a special poll tax (jizya) for that protection and as
    a sign of their inferior status. Their testimony was not accepted in
    the courts of justice, and in cases of the murder of a Jew or
    Christian by a Muslim, the latter was usually not condemned to death.
    In addition, Jews as well as Christians were normally not acceptable
    for appointments to the highest administrative posts; they were
    forbidden to carry arms (thus, to serve in the army), to ride horses
    in towns or to wear Muslim dress. They were also not usually allowed
    to build or repair places of worship and were often subjected to
    oppression, extortion and violence by both the local authorities and
    the Muslim population."

    Professor Tudor Parfitt in his comprehensive study of the Jews of
    Palestine during the 19th century wrote about the Turkish oppression
    of the Jews of Palestine as follows:

    "…Inside the towns, Jews and other dhimmis were frequently attacked,
    wounded, and even killed by local Muslims and Turkish soldiers. Such
    attacks were frequently for trivial reasons: Wilson [in British
    Foreign Office correspondence] recalled having met a Jew who had been
    badly wounded by a Turkish soldier for not having instantly
    dismounted when ordered to give up his donkey to a soldier of the
    Sultan. Many Jews were killed for less. On occasion the authorities
    attempted to get some form of redress but this was by no means always
    the case: the Turkish authorities themselves were sometimes
    responsible for beating Jews to death for some unproven charge. After
    one such occasion [British Consul] Young remarked: 'I must say I am
    sorry and surprised that the Governor could have acted so savage a
    part- for certainly what I have seen of him I should have thought him
    superior to such wanton inhumanity- but it was a Jew- without friends
    or protection- it serves to show well that it is not without reason
    that the poor Jew, even in the nineteenth century, lives from day to
    day in terror of his life'."

    During World War I in Palestine, the embattled Young Turk government
    actually began deporting the Jews of Tel Aviv in the spring of 1917 -
    an ominous parallel to the genocidal deportations of the Armenian
    dhimmi communities throughout Anatolia. A Reuters press release
    regarding the deportation states that:

    " on April 1 [1917] an order was given to deport all the Jews from
    Tel Aviv, including citizens of the Central Powers, within
    forty-eight hours. A week before, three hundred Jews were expelled
    from Jerusalem: Jamal Pasha [one of the triumvirate of Young Turk
    supreme leaders, Minister of the Navy, and commander of the Fourth
    Army in the Levant] declared that their fate would be that of the
    Armenians; eight thousand deportees from Tel Aviv were not allowed to
    take any provisions with them, and after the expulsion their houses
    were looted by Bedouin mobs; two Yemenite Jews who tried to oppose
    the looting were hung at the entrance to Tel Aviv so that all might
    see, and other Jews were found dead in the Dunes around Tel Aviv."

    It was not clear why the slaughter did not occur. One hypothesis put
    forth by the British Zionist movement suggested that the advance of
    the British army (from immediately adjacent Egypt) and its potential
    willingness " hold the military and Turkish authorities directly
    responsible for a policy of slaughter and destruction of the Jews"
    may have averted this disaster.

    Turkish hostility to the Jews during World War II led them to refuse
    to allow Jews to flee Hitler into Turkey. In one instance 769 Jews
    packed an old, dilapidated cattle boat called the Struma and made it
    to the shores of Turkey. The Turks denied them entry and eventually
    towed them out to sea where they sank.

    The Pro-Western Leanings of Turkey

    Although it is wrong to say, as Mustapha Akyol did, that Turkey has a
    pro-Western heritage, the fact that Turkey has been a member of the
    NATO alliance since 1952 and has a democratic government suggests
    that there are influential people with pro-Western and pro-democratic
    sentiments in Turkey. Unfortunately the influence of Turkey's great
    Westernizing leader Kemal Ataturk is waning, and there is growing
    pro-fundamentalist Islamic sentiment in Turkey. The Pew Research
    Center's Global Attitudes Survey from March this year noted that "in
    Turkey "as many as 31 percent say that suicide attacks against
    Americans and other Westerners in Iraq are justifiable." The growing
    pro-Islamist sentiment in Turkey is the reason why the Turkish army
    has been forced more than once to overthrow democratically elected
    Islamic leaders who might have turned Turkey back into a Shariah
    state. The recent election of Mr. Erdogan as Prime Minister of Turkey
    raises such concerns again. Before his election, Mr. Erdogan was
    convicted of inciting religious hatred because of a speech he gave at
    a political rally in 1998. Under Erdogan's leadership Turkey is
    trading with Iran despite U.S. calls to isolate Iran. It is possible
    that Turkey's membership in the NATO alliance has less to do with
    pro-Western sentiment than with fear of Russia and eagerness to
    benefit from the generous military and economic aid from the United
    States that comes with being an American ally. Likewise the desire of
    Turkey to join the European Union is based on hopes that such a move
    would help the Turkish economy.

    The Missing Step Toward Islamic Tolerance

    In his article, Mr. Akyol outlined a series of steps for Muslims and
    the West to take to reduce Islamic militance and to encourage
    tolerance among Muslims. One of those steps was for France to allow
    Muslim girls to wear head scarves in French public schools. This
    suggestion ignores the reason France had to impose this rule to begin
    with. Muslims were intimidating both Muslim and non-Muslim girls into
    wearing head scarves against their will. Although Mr. Akyol may be
    right that further Muslim militance may result from the French law,
    the French law was made necessary by Muslim militance to begin with.

    Mr. Akyol outlined a series of steps for Muslims to take to reduce
    Islamic militance but he left out the most important step which is
    that Muslims should acknowledge that the attacks on infidels that
    they have committed in the name of Islam are wrong. U.S. ambassador
    James Gerald wrote that "The principles of Justice are more important
    than oil or the railroads" and that "the Turks should not be accepted
    into the society of decent nations until they show sincere repentance
    for their crimes."

    Another step Mustapha Akyol listed was to replace Shariah with a new
    interpretation of Islam. He wrote, "A great deal of shariah laws —
    like killing of apostates, .. have simply no basis in the Qur'an."
    While reform of Islam is indeed essential, the killing of apostates
    has a basis in the Koran. The command to "Slay the idolaters wherever
    you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in
    wait for them in every ambush. " is from the Koran ( 9:5). So is the
    command: "Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips
    of them. (8:12)". This command is undoubtedly treated as religious
    grounds by those who commit the many recent beheadings in Iraq.

    Should Turkey be Admitted into the European Union?

    There is one overriding reason to be concerned about admitting Turkey
    into the European Union, and that is the potential effect of Turkish
    membership on the Muslim population of European countries which are
    already having serious problems as a result of their large Islamic
    populations. If Turkey joins the EU, a significant percentage of
    Turkey's over 60 million Muslims may enter Europe. Furthermore, many
    millions of Muslims from other Islamic countries are likely to use
    Turkey as their gateway to Europe. Once they attain legal status in
    Turkey, these Muslims from other Islamic countries will be free to go
    anywhere in Europe.

    Bat Yeor in an article in frontpagemagazine (Arafat's Legacy for
    Europe 11/16/04) wrote that

    "Islamist terror from within and without is overwhelming Europe.
    Today it is not uncommon to hear Europeans express their disgust for
    Europe and their wish to emigrate. Europe, they say, is dead and has
    no future."

    It may be that it is already too late for Europe. The countries of
    Europe are slowly becoming subjugated to hostile rapidly growing
    Muslim populations. Bat Yeor in an article in frontpagemagazine
    (Arafat's Legacy for Europe 11/16/04) wrote that

    "Islamist terror from within and without is overwhelming Europe.
    Today it is not uncommon to hear Europeans express their disgust for
    Europe and their wish to emigrate. Europe, they say, is dead and has
    no future."

    In its jealousy of American power and determination to create a
    counter-power, France, with support from Germany, has looked to ally
    itself with Islamic countries in order to help create that
    counterweight to the United States. On October 26, 2004, France and
    Germany stood behind Turkey's campaign to join the European Union.
    Admitting the Turkish Trojan Horse may give them the power to counter
    the United States but the price they will pay will be further
    subjugation to a growing hostile European Muslim population.
