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Global Need for a Universal-Minded Russia

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  • Global Need for a Universal-Minded Russia

    Global Need for a Universal-Minded Russia
    By Emmanuel Todd | Monday, November 22, 2004

    The Globalist
    Nov 22 2004

    President Putin's recent turn toward authoritarianism seems
    heavy-handed. Yet, Russia has a traditionally egalitarian approach to
    international relations. Emmanuel Todd, author of "After the Empire,"
    argues that — if the country can avoid the pitfalls of anarchy and
    authoritarianism — this universalist tradition could help Russia to
    become a much-needed global balancing power.

    Russia's temperament is universalist. Equality was inscribed in the
    heart of the Russian peasant family structure by a rule of
    inheritance that was absolutely symmetrical.

    Egalitarian social structures

    Under Peter the Great, the Russian nobles rejected primogeniture —
    the rule of inheritance that favors the eldest son to the detriment
    of the other siblings.

    A liberal Russian economy will never be an individualist Anglo-Saxon
    style capitalism. It will keep communitarian features.

    Like the French peasants who had become literate before the French
    Revolution, the Russian peasants who became literate in the 20th
    century spontaneously considered all men equal.

    Communism spread as a universalist doctrine offered to the world with
    — I admit — tragic and disappointing results.

    However, the underlying universalist approach allowed for the
    transformation of the Russian empire into the Soviet Union.

    Bolshevism's appeal

    Bolshevism drew the Russian empire's minorities into its circles of
    power — Baltics, Jews, Georgians and Armenians. Like France, Russia's
    seductiveness flowed from its capacity to treat all men as equals.

    Communism eventually fell apart. And today, we find that the
    anthropological base of the former Soviet sphere is changing slowly.

    Anticipating Russia's future

    And yet, despite these changes, the new Russian democracy — if it
    succeeds — will retain certain basic characteristics. We should keep
    them in mind if we want to anticipate its likely future behavior on
    the international scene.

    Unlike Americans, Russians do not go around thinking there is a
    prefiguerd borderline separating real men from everyone else —
    Indians, blacks and Arabs.

    For starters, a liberal Russian economy will never be an
    individualist Anglo-Saxon style capitalism. Instead, it will keep
    communitarian features, creating horizontal associative forms that it
    is too early to define more precisely.

    Similarly, the political system is unlikely to function along the
    lines of the alternating two-party English and American model.

    Russia's long communitarian tradition

    Anyone who wants to speculate about the future shape of Russia ought
    to read the classic study by Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, "L'Empire des
    tsars et les russes" (1897-1898).

    It contains a comprehensive description of the behaviors and
    institutions marked by Russia's communitarian sensibility 20 to 40
    years before the triumph of communism.

    American and Russian sensibilities

    Russia's universalist approach to international politics will trigger
    reflexes and instinctive reactions close to those of France —
    evidenced, for example, by the way France irritates the United States
    by its "egalitarian" approach to the Israeli-Palestinian question.

    Russia's temperament is universalist. Equality was inscribed in the
    heart of the Russian peasant family structure.

    Unlike some Americans, Russians do not go around thinking there is an
    a priori borderline separating real men from everyone else — Indians,
    blacks and Arabs.

    They have also not exterminated Indians, at least since the conquest
    of Siberia in the 17th century.

    Yearning for a universalist temperament

    The survival of Bashkirs, Ostiaks, Maris, Samoyeds, Buryats, Tungus,
    Yakuts, Yukaghirs and Chukchees testifies to the complex structure of
    the Russian Federation.

    In my view, the Russian universalist temperament is cruelly lacking
    in international politics today.

    A place for a strong Russia

    The dissolution of the Soviet Union — and with it a certain
    egalitarian angle on international relations — explains in part the
    unleashing of differentialist tendencies among Americans, Israelis
    and others.

    The dissolution of the Soviety Union explains in part the unleashing
    of differentialist tendencies among Americans, Israelis and others.

    The theme of France's little universalist music is faint indeed
    without the power of Russia as amplifier. The return of Russia within
    the international balance of power can only help the United Nations.

    If Russia can avoid the pitfalls of anarchy and authoritarianism, it
    could become a fundamental balancing force in the world — a strong,
    non-hegemonic nation expressing an egalitarian understanding of the
    relations between peoples.

    This attitude will be all the easier to maintain since — unlike the
    United States — Russia does not rely on asymmetrical levies
    throughout the world for its raw materials, finished goods, capital
    or oil.

    Adapted from "After the Empire" by Emmanuel Todd. Copyright © 2002
    Editions Gallimard. Translation copyright © 2003 by Columbia
    University Press. Used by arrangement with Columbia University Press
    and Editions Gallimard. All rights reserved.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress