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Priority objective for economic development

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  • Priority objective for economic development

    Priority objective for economic development


    November 19, 2004

    During the recent period, Armenia has been experiencing economic
    and political stability which enables development of a mid and long
    term strategies.

    However, there are some obvious arguments here. Supporters of active
    constructive policy, justly referring to the failures of the market,
    unjustly propose increasing of role of the government, especially in
    branch industry policy. On the opposite side, neo-liberals propose
    to continue liberalization of the market.

    These parties have more in common than they admit. Both stand on the
    role of institutes (in the first case - state, in the second รข~@~S
    market). However, both views are dubious from practical policy
    standpoint for the reasons of actual need to change the available
    policy or lack of resources.

    Anyway, how can we contribute to proportional development of the two
    institutions? Note that only in case of successful balance we can
    have prosperous and competitive economy.

    We single out the following basic approaches: first, unification
    approach of government and market. This means a strategy that would
    enable establishment both of the state and the market. Second,
    effective use of knowledge. Institutional reforms take time. If
    knowledge is properly used, the reforms may speed up.

    Third, approach of institutional innovations. It takes turning
    knowledge into behavior of economic stakeholders and the society to
    make the knowledge work, to make it demanded by the market. This is
    about social education.

    In other word, issues number one for the development of the Armenian
    economy is the development of the knowledge "industry". This is a
    pledge for transition to a competitive market.

    Creative usage of market and technological knowledge enable solution
    of many transitional issues. On the other hand, without development
    of the knowledge "economy" it will be difficult to provide desired
    economic and consequently strategic-political security level.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress