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American Congressman Highly Estimates Adherence Of Artsakh Principle

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  • American Congressman Highly Estimates Adherence Of Artsakh Principle

    American Congressman Highly Estimates Adherence Of Artsakh Principles Of Democracy

    NEW YORK, November 17 (Noyan Tapan). The meetings of NKR President
    Arkady Ghoukassian with the influential representatives of the
    Armenian Diaspora of the US are continuing. The meetings are dated
    for the telethon on fundraising in support to Nagorno Karabakh.

    According to observers, it is expected that this telethon, as against
    the previous telethons, will become record on donations for Artsakh
    made by the citizens of Armenian origin living in the US. According
    to the press release of the Head Information Department attached to
    the NKR President, the results of Arkady Ghoukassian's talks with
    representatives of the various circles of the Armenian Diaspora are
    also the evidence of this fact.

    So, during the November 15 meeting of the NKR President with
    famous philanthropist Luis Simon Manukian, the latter expressed
    willingness to contribute (the same way as in the previous years)
    to the socio-economic development of Artsakh and, first of all, to
    the construction of the North-South highway being of great strategic
    importance to Nagorno Karabakh. It is notable that Mrs. Manukian is
    also the sponsor of the construction of a school in the NKR capital

    The same day, the NKR President visited the Head Office of the
    Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA), where he talked to
    Endrew Torigian, the head of this organization. The President thanked
    AMAA for the implementation of a number of humanitarian programs in
    Artsakh, in particular, for rendering material support to orphans
    and the maintainance of a nunber of pre-school establishments. He
    called on members of the missionary organization to take an active
    part in the telethon. E. Torigian spoke out for the further widening
    of cooperation between AMAA and Nagorno Karabakh.

    A reception and dinner in honor of NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian
    were organized upon the initiative of the Armenian General Benevolent
    Union and the "Hayastan" ("Armenia") Pan-Armenian Fund in New York the
    day before. Perch Sedrakian, the President of the AGBU, who spoke at
    the reception stressed the necessity of more active participation of
    the Armenian Diaspora in the development of Artsakh. In this connection
    the NKR President drew the participants' attention to the fact that
    Artsakh needs the assistance of the Diaspora in the issues of the
    implementation of programs on the construction of highways, as well
    as hospitals, schools, other entities of social importance. Readiness
    of participants to take an active part in the upcoming telethon was
    expressed at the meeting held with the participation of Resident
    Representative of Armenia to the UN Armen Martirosian.

    Arkady Ghoukassian's meeting with Frank Pallown, the Co-Chairman of
    the Group on Armenian Issues of the US Congress, was held the same
    day. Issues regarding the ways of the settlement of the Nagorno
    Karabakh problem were touched upon during the conversation. The
    American congressmen, in particular, gave high assessment to the NKR's
    adherence to the principles of democracy, expressing satisfaction
    with the successes of the republic in the socio-economic and cultural
    development. At the same time, he expressed serious concern on the
    occasion of the bistructural position of Azerbaijan on the settlement
    of the Karabakh problem, especially in connection with the military
    statements made in this country quite often. Pallown confirmed his
    readiness to support the right of the NKR people to freedom and

    Arkady Ghoukassian expressed gratitude to the American congressman
    for support to Artsakh. He also thanked the American people for
    humanitarian aid rendered to the NKR population that suffered from
    the military aggression od Azerbaijan.

    The NKR President's visit to the United States continues.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress