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Armenian Church Canadian Diocese Newsonline 19/11/2004

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  • Armenian Church Canadian Diocese Newsonline 19/11/2004

    Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese
    Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
    615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
    Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
    Email; [email protected]
    November 19, 2004


    Last Sunday, November 14th, 2004, faithful Churchgoers were witness to the
    solemn and joyous celebration of the ordination of the "tbir"s in Montreal's
    Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Cathedral, in the presence of and under
    the auspices of His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of the Canadian
    Diocese as well as on the testimonial of the Church's Pastor, Father Vazgen

    The participants in this ordination entered the Church, led by His Eminence
    Bishop Bargat Galstanian, accompanied by the melodious "Oorakh Ler Soorp
    Yegeghetsi" hymn.
    On this occasion, Bishop Galstanian directed his blessings to the
    newly-ordained "tbir"s and prayed for God to bestow upon them His heavenly graces of
    understanding and humble servitude, so that they may faithfully serve and perform
    their duties to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and the Canadian Armenian
    Church community, to the glory of the Holy Trinity.

    During this humbling ceremony, the newly-ordained "tbir"s were bestowed both
    the order of Psalmist and Sweeper, considered the first step in the liturgical
    orders and ranks of the Armenian Church, as well as the four Minor Orders in
    the Armenian Church. Combined, these four Minor Orders are usually referred to
    as that of "tbir".

    By acceding to the rank of Psalmist and Sweeper, the candidate is received by
    the Church and blessed by the Bishop, allowing him (or her) to participate in
    the liturgical services of the Church as reader and cantor of the psalms and
    granting the candidate the authority to maintain the Church building, its
    sanctuary, court and entrance. At the beginning of this service, the Bishop cuts
    four locks in the form of a cross from the hair of the candidate as a sign of

    Following this are the four Minor Orders of the Church. These prepare the
    candidate for the rank of Deacon which is the first Major Order in the Armenian
    Church. The first of the four Minor Orders is Doorkeeper where the candidate
    receives the authority to protect everything kept under lock and key in the
    Church, including the building itself. The candidate is presented with a key by
    the Bishop, as a sign of this authority and honor. The second is Reader where
    the candidate receives the authority to read the Holy Scriptures during Church
    services. The candidate receives a Lectionary, a book containing the daily
    readings of the Scripture, as a sign of this authority. The third order is
    that of Exorcist which bestows upon the candidate the authority to lay hands on
    the sick and renounce Satan with those who come to receive the sacrament of
    Holy Baptism. The candidate receives a copy of Mashdots, the Book of Rituals.
    The fourth and final order is that of Acolyte which grants the candidate the
    authority to light the candles and lanterns in the Church and to prepare the
    bread and the wine for Holy Communion. Symbolically, the candidate receives a
    candlestick and a cruet, with which wine is blessed and served during Communion.

    The following are the newly-ordained "tbir"s, who all received the five
    orders: Talar Chichmanian, Hilda Tursucuyan, Sandra Afeyan, Emma Kasbarian, Alex
    Palabikian, Phillip Palabikian, Avedis Salizyan, Jano Salizyan, Hagop Redjebian
    and Ardak Khatchadourian.

    A reception in the Church's Hovsepian Hall followed the ordination ceremony,
    where the newly-ordained candidates received the appropriate certificates from
    His Eminence and many congratulations from their proud and loving community.

    * * *


    On Sunday, November 21, 2004, His Grace Bishop Galstanian, Primate of the
    Armenian Church Diocese of Canada, celebrated Divine Liturgy at the St. Vartan
    Cathedral in New York City.

    Upon the initiative of His Grace Bishop Bagrat Galstanian a small group of
    pilgrims accompanied their Primate at St. Vartan Cathedral. Beginning with his
    election, Bishop Galstanian planned youth pilgrimages on inter-Diocesan level.
    This is the inauguration towards the realization of the Primate's project to
    encourage the faithful, especially in Northern United States and Canada to move
    forward and pray together, reflecting upon the challenges and difficulties

    * * *


    On Thursday, November 18, 2004, His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian visited
    the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto and met with Metropolitan Archbishop

    Bishop Galstanian thanked the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan, for creating the
    opportunity to meet and discuss many issues concerning the role and mission of
    Christian Churches in Canada. The two leaders spoke extensively about the
    importance of involvement and participation in the ecumenical life, and examined
    the possibilities of further cooperation regarding the views of their
    respective churches on various social issues.

    Bishop Bagrat Galstanian invited Archbishop Sotirios to participate in an
    Ecumenical Pilgrimage to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the Spiritual Centre
    of Armenian Christianity. His Eminence graciously accepted the invitation to
    join the Canadian Church leaders and Ecumenical representatives on a
    pilgrimage, organized under the auspices of Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, to the Mother See
    of Holy Etchmiadzin in August-September 2005.

    * * *


    Aret Boyajian

    The Christian Church Mission of the Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Toronto
    was honored to have Reverend Peishon Vasfy from the St Mark. Orthodox Coptic
    Church in Toronto who visited the Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church for an
    evening seminar, on Saturday Nov 6, 2004.

    The title of the seminar was called "Jesus, the Son of God" and covered a
    wide range of scripture passages that proved Jesus Christ's divinity.

    Reverend Vasfy began making his statement that we (Christians) are all, in a
    way "theologians", in that we all have some basic knowledge of God through the
    reading of Holy Scripture, and that we should not feel lesser than those who
    have a formal training in Theology. This means that church going Christians
    are responsible and are encouraged to become knowledgeable relating to spiritual
    matters both through Holy Scripture (Bible) and the proper Orthodox Church
    structures such as clergy and literature.

    He also stressed in his lecture by saying that the heresy's that were
    circulated by Arius in the life of the early Church, concerning the divinity of
    Christ, is still with us today and that they have to be dealt with seriously by
    Christians. This is the reason why the Church fathers of the Orthodox persuasion
    were compelled to remain faithful to the true essence of Christ by the
    adoption of the Nicene Creed (Havadamk) in the year 325 AD, which affirms the deity
    of the "Son of God".

    These religious misconceptions that deny the divinity of Christ can easily be
    countered with basic knowledge of Scripture. One of the most compelling
    passage evidences that "the Son of God" is divine is found in the book of John,
    verse 3:13: "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from
    heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." Clearly here, Jesus is
    referring to himself on earth and at the same time being God in heaven.

    The evening was adjourned with a question and answer period followed by
    coffee and Armenian pastry for all the participants.

    The Christian Church Mission of the Holy Trinity Armenian Church would like
    to thank all the members who participated and the following individuals for
    this successful evening. Dr Edward Rauf, who is the Chairman of St. Mark Orthodox
    Fellowship, helped in the organization of the evening, Deacon Vrej Berberian,
    who was our evenings host and last but not least Mrs. Surphui Evran, who
    helped secure pastries for the evening.

    * * *

    It has been the vision of Our Grace Bishop Bagrat Galstanian to encourage
    cooperative Sunday School activities such as multi school visit with the purpose
    of bringing together children from all Sunday Schools in Southern Ontario.
    Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church Sunday School in Toronto was the host for
    the first visit of the school year.

    As usual, the Morning Assembly at HTAAC stared with little children arriving
    in their red uniforms and Bibles in hand. Mrs. Takoush Knadjian, the new Vice
    principal, coordinated and guided the assembly to its scheduled events of the
    day. Children sang the morning prayers, the Sunday School march and waited to
    hear from the special guest speaker of the day Mrs. Georgina Sarkisian of St
    Gregory the Illuminator of St Catharines Ontario. Mrs. Sarkisian is the
    Director of the Department of Religious Education of the Canadian Diocese. (DRE)

    Mrs. Sarkisian spoke about Remembrance Day. She asked the children if they
    knew the reason for Remembrance Day and whether they knew of any Armenian
    soldiers who were in the wars. The children were surprised to hear there were 22
    soldiers from the Southern Ontario region who volunteered to serve our great
    nation, Canada. Today, only three soldiers were living and resided in the Southern
    Ontario area.

    Mrs. Sarkisian asked the help of Tamar Sarkisian, a visitor from St
    Catharines, to give the children red poppies to wear in Remembrance of the 22 soldiers
    who were of Armenian heritage.

    Following morning assembly Mrs. Sarkisian and Miss Alexia Citak, member of
    the DRE from Hamilton St Mary Sunday School, toured the school visiting with the
    students and teachers in their classes. The visitors found colorful artwork
    and Christmas ornaments being made as an arts and crafts project. In other
    classes children stood up and recited Psalms 23 in Armenian. All in all it was a
    very important day for the visitors to observe first hand the activities
    children participate in at HTAAC Sunday School

    Later in the day, the children attended Church and took communion. On behalf
    of HTAAC Sunday school we would like to thank our visitors and hope they will
    return with many more children from their local Sunday schools.

    The idea of cooperative School activities is an exceptional one. We hope the
    next activity; the second annual Armenian Children's Christmas on January 2,
    2005, will continue to encourage children to make friends with others who share
    their valuable heritage. The friends one makes as a child, last a lifetime.

    * * *

    Georgina Sarkisian, Director

    On November 9th, 2004 the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church, Diocese of Canada
    Department of Christian Education, Central council held a teleconference upon
    the request of His Grace Bishop Bagrat Galstanian. Members participating were
    from Hamilton, Mississauga/Oakville, St. Catharines and Toronto.

    Highlights of this conference were the completing of Sunday School logos and
    colour selection for the new uniforms. A crest for all the Sunday Schools has
    been established with the individual church names and colors. The upcoming
    joint events were discussed further, with participation by all the Sunday
    Schools, at Holy Trinity Armenian Church in Toronto, on Sunday, January 2nd./04. The
    Children's Christmas Service and party will be held at this time.

    Also discussed, were the plans to complete the launch on January 2nd. of the
    upcoming art competition, under the jurisdiction of His Grace Bishop Bagrat
    Galstanian, and directed by the Very Reverend Fr. Hayrig Apegha Hovhannisian.
    The theme for this competition is 'MY VISION OF HOLY ETCHMIADZIN' encompassing
    the spiritual visions of events that brought about the holiest of places in

    Pentecost celebrations will be held in St. Catharines and an end of the year
    picnic in June will be hosted by Hamilton. The summer activities of Camp
    Ararat with the inclusion of Teacher Training, were very enthusiastically greeted,
    as the dates and permanent location were being completed. The teleconference
    ended on a very positive accord.

    * * *

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress