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Armenian Community Of California Expesses Willingness To Take Active

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  • Armenian Community Of California Expesses Willingness To Take Active


    LOS ANGELES, November 24 (Noyan Tapan). During the November 19 meeting
    with NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian the Armenian Community of
    California supported its compatriots from the Eastern states of the US
    in their aspiration for strengthening aid to Nagorno Karabakh. It, as
    well as the Armenians of Boston, New York, Detroit and other US cities
    expressed its willingness to take an active part in the November 25
    telethon on fundraising for the completion of the construction of the
    "North-South" highway, which is of great importance to the NKR.

    According to the Head Information Department attached to the NKR
    President, during the meeting with a group of Armenian businessmen
    and philanthropists of Armenian origin participants (couples Levon
    and Zara Ghoukassians, Ralf and Savi Toufenkians, Hakob and Maria
    Shirvanians were among them) reported about their intention to
    contribute to the development of Artsakh. They, in particular,
    emphasized that the current activities of the Armenian Community of
    the US are connected with the growth of its confidence in the NKR
    President and support to the democratic and economic reforms carried
    out by him in Nagorno Karabakh.

    This thought stood out in all the meetings of Arkady Ghoukassian in
    America, in particular, during the reception given in honor of the NKR
    President by the Knight's Council of the Armenian General Benevolent
    Union (AGBU) and its Californian Department. Vahe Imastunian, the
    Head of this Department, coming up during the reception noticed the
    importance of the NKR President's visit to the US from the point
    of view of the strengthening of the relations between the American
    Community and Artsakh. Arkady Ghoukassian thanked the participants
    for their genuine wish to help Artsakh and expressed the opinion
    that there are all the necessary prerequisites for the completion of
    the financing of the construction of the "North-South" highway this
    year, as well as for the implementation of other important projects
    concerning the all-round development of Artsakh. He emphasized that
    the active participation of the Diaspora in the forthcoming telethon
    will demonstrate clearly that the Armenians of the whole world aren't
    indifferent about the fate of Artsakh, which, in its turn, will have
    political significance.

    The Hovhannesians, whose guest was Arkady Ghoukassian, also wanted
    to contribute to the completion of the "North-South" highway.

    Issues concerning the socio-economic development of Artsakh, as well
    as the process of the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict were touched upon in Arkady Ghoukassian's interview to the
    local Armenian TV reporters. "Artsakh won in the war imposed on it,
    because there were Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora standing behind
    its back. I am sure that we will achieve the same results in economic
    confrontation if we join our efforts," the President, in particular,

    Touching upon the prospects of the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict, Arkady Ghoukassian emphasized that the subordination
    of Nagorno Karabakh to Azerbaijan is out of the question. "Our
    purpose is to gain the juridical recognition of Nagorno Karabakh,"
    the President announced. He estimated negatively the actions of the
    authorities of Baku trying to gain the discussion of the issue of
    so-called occupied territories in the UN and characterize them as
    provocative. According to him, such steps of official Baku complicate
    the too difficult process of the peaceful settlement still more. The
    NKR President noticed that the issues of territories and refugees
    arose as a result of the military aggression of Azerbaijan against
    Nagorno Karabakh, that's why they are rather the consequence of the
    armed conflict than it's reason. According to Arkady Ghoukassian,
    "The main issue that should be resolved is the issue of the status
    of Nagorno Karabakh." He also noticed that the neglect of the issue
    of the status of Nagorno Karabakh by Azerbaijan makes the discussion
    of other problems concerning the overcoming of the consequences of
    the armed conflict nonsensical.

    Arkady Ghoukassian was present at the Sunday service at the St. Karapet
    Church in Hollywood on November 22. The service was held by Archbishop
    Pargev Martirosian, Head of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church, who is in the US today.