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BAKU: NATO official says South Caucasus becoming "priority" - Azeria

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  • BAKU: NATO official says South Caucasus becoming "priority" - Azeria

    NATO official says South Caucasus becoming "priority" - Azeri agency

    Turan news agency
    25 Nov 04

    Baku, 25 November: The 58th Rose-Roth seminar of NATO's Parliamentary
    Assembly dedicated to security issues in the South Caucasus opened
    in Baku today. Parliamentarians from over 20 NATO member states,
    representatives of international organizations and diplomats are
    attending the seminar.

    The speaker of the Milli Maclis [Azerbaijani parliament], Murtuz
    Alasgarov, opened the seminar and talked about the importance of
    the South Caucasus region in the Euro-Atlantic security system. The
    implementation of large regional energy and transport projects is
    adding to the region's importance, he said. However, the process is
    being hampered by unresolved local conflicts, among which is also
    the Karabakh problem, Alasgarov said. He called on the participants
    in the seminar to openly discuss the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

    NATO Parliamentary Assembly Secretary-General Simon Lann said for his
    part that the South Caucasus region is going to become a "priority"
    for Brussels in the nearest future.

    "The number of visits to the region and meetings here will increase
    starting from the next year. The Norwegian government will prepare
    a special programme together with parliament members of the three
    South Caucasus countries," Lann said.

    Asked about NATO's attitude towards Iran, Lann said that any
    prognostication would be possible only after the members of the
    alliance formulate their policy towards Iran and the Middle East
    in general.

    The seminar is continuing. Two Armenian MPs, [Mger] Shakhgeldyan and
    [Aleksan] Karapetyan, are expected to join the seminar during the
    second half of the day.