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BAKU: Aliyev receives minister of info & technology of Pakistan

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  • BAKU: Aliyev receives minister of info & technology of Pakistan

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    Nov 25 2004

    [November 25, 2004, 22:16:18]

    President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev has received in the
    Presidential Palace the minister of information technologies and
    telecommunications of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Awais Ahmad
    Khan Legari, on 25 November.

    Warmly welcoming the visitor, President Ilham Aliyev has expressed
    satisfaction in connection with his participation in the Conference
    taking place in Baku, “Global Information-Communication

    Having emphasized quick development of relations between two
    countries in all areas, President Ilham Aliyev has noted that
    official visit of the President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf to
    Azerbaijan represents great value from the point of view of the
    further strengthening and development of cooperation of two
    countries. The Head of State has emphasized that personal friendly
    relations with the President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf serve the
    cause of the further development of links between two countries,
    having noted thus great value of expansion of cooperation between
    systems of communications of Azerbaijan and Pakistan.

    President Ilham Aliyev stated full conformity of positions between
    Azerbaijan and Pakistan in the field of the international questions,
    highly having estimated in this connection the constant and complete
    support by two countries each other in the questions connected to the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict and Kashmir problem.

    Having expressed gratitude for warm reception and kind words, the
    Pakistani minister has noted that meeting with President Ilham Aliyev
    is great honor for him, has conveyed to the Azerbaijan President
    sincere greetings and deep respect of President Pervez Musharraf.
    Once again having passed to the Head of Azerbaijan State the
    invitation of President Pervez Musharraf connected to official visit
    of President Ilham Aliyev to Pakistan, Mr. Awais Ahmad Khan Legari
    has told that Pakistan with great impatience waits for visit of the
    President of Azerbaijan.

    He has noted that relations of our countries in political, economic
    and other spheres successfully develop, that the great value in this
    connection represents also cooperation in the field of communications
    and information technologies.

    Having noted that Azerbaijan and Pakistan are the friendly and
    brotherly countries, the Minister has emphasized that the two states
    completely support position of each other in Nagorny Karabakh and
    Kashmir questions.

    The visitor informed that on November 24, at session of the UN
    General Assembly, Pakistan has made special statement in support of
    the full right of Azerbaijan on Nagorny Karabakh.

    The Pakistani minister has expressed confidence that relations of two
    countries in all areas, including in sphere of information
    technologies, and henceforth would develop successfully.

    Having expressed deep gratitude for sincere greetings of President
    Pervez Musharraf and the invitation to pay official visit to
    Pakistan, President Ilham Aliyev asked the Minister to convey his
    greetings to the Head of Pakistan State. President of Azerbaijan has
    expressed confidence that his visit to Pakistan would serve the cause
    of further expansion of relations between two countries.

    At the meeting, also present were Minister of Communications and
    Information Technologies of Azerbaijan Ali Abbasov and the ambassador
    of Pakistan in Azerbaijan Mohammed Hafiz.
