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Azerbaijan could not secure adoption of anti-Armenian resolution in

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  • Azerbaijan could not secure adoption of anti-Armenian resolution in


    PanArmenian News
    Nov 25 2004

    The General Assembly has considered necessary the preparation of
    compromising variant of the resolution.

    Yesterday at the 59th General Assembly meeting on the initiative of
    Azerbaijan was considered the issue of the situation in the regions
    which are controlled by Nagorno-Karabakh Army. As a result of the
    discussion the draft resolution of official Baku by the provocative
    name "On the Situation in Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan" was
    not put to the vote. So, Azerbaijan could not obtain the UN Security
    Council's adoption of the resolution condemning the Armenians for
    creating a security zone around Nagorno-Karabakh.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Azerbaijan did not resolve to demand the project
    to be put to the vote, realizing that this edition of the resolution
    would not be accepted. Though Ilham Aliev had promised that in any case
    official Baku would not be contented with the consideration and would
    insist on the adoption of the suggested project, he did not keep his
    word given to the journalists. Considering the chances, Azerbaijan
    has accepted the inevitable of moving some important amendments in
    the text. The chairman announced that it was necessary to work on
    the resolution text and closed the meeting without specifying the
    date when the document is to be put to the vote. The representative
    of Azerbaijan did not contradict.

    In fact happened exactly what Vardan Oskanyan said. On the eve of
    the consideration the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia showed
    the readiness of official Yerevan to take part in the working out
    the compromising variant of the resolution. Oskanyan declared that
    Armenia would not have anything against the fact that the document
    might contain the initiative of creating an expert group within the
    OSCE which would be empowered to investigate the real situation in the
    region of security zone. It is important to note that a resolution
    containing such appeal will not call the competence of Minsk Group
    into question. It is a question of vital importance for us. Azerbaijan
    presses towards getting new intermediaries to the settlement in order
    to destroy the negotiation base created due to the efforts of the
    Minsk Group co-Chairs.

    At the General Assembly Meeting Armenia succeeded in a very important
    point. Armenia could bar the adoption of unilateral document which was
    based on information got from unreliable sources. It will be possible
    to speak about a substantial diplomatic success of Yerevan in case
    if the final edition of the resolution contains not the appraisal but
    only the call for inspection of the situation in the area. The visit
    of such fact-finding mission to the region may be even beneficial for
    Armenia. The inspection will allow proving the fact of occupation of
    the regions in the Northern part of Karabakh and the fact of ethnic
    purge carried out in those regions.

    The countries which have the key role in the UN marginally stood
    against the initiative of Azerbaijan even on the first stage of the
    consideration. At the Meeting of General Assembly the USA and Russia
    gave to understand that Azerbaijan has to express its concern to
    the OSCE not to the UN. Of course the Great Powers didn't support
    Azerbaijan not because they support Armenia. They are just not
    interested in involving the UN in a process which is easier to control
    within the OSCE Minsk Group. However, if we judge by absolute numbers,
    it is obvious that the number of countries supporting Azerbaijan in
    the UN decreases every year.

    Among the big countries only Turkey and Pakistan support Azerbaijan.
    Pakistan for the present moment remains a member of the Security
    Council. And the World Powers oppose the Azerbaijan's attempts to
    involve the UN in the process of the settlement of Karabakh conflict.
    This time the initiative of Baku was not supported not only by the
    co-Chairs of Minsk Group, but also by other permanent members of
    the Security Council, also all the countries of the EU and even some
    countries of GUAM and the Organisation of Islamic Conference. For Baku
    the denial of support from China and Georgia was amiss. For Armenia
    it was a considerable diplomatic success. Formerly Peking and Tbilisi
    during any voting on the issue of Karabakh conflict always took the
    Azerbaijan's side. They supposed that in this way they are defending
    the priority of the territorial integrity principle. But the Armenian
    diplomacy succeeded in convincing the Georgians and the Chinese that
    the analogies between Karabakh, Taiwan and Abkhazia are absolutely
    not suitable.

    If we judge by the voting on the justification of including the issue
    of the situation in the security zone in the agenda of the General
    Assembly, we see that less than the quarter of the UN member-countries
    support Azerbaijan today (42 out of 192). More than a half of the UN
    members either voted against or abstained from voting which is almost
    the same in this case. 49 countries did not participate in the voting
    at all which is also kind of expression of disagreement to the subject
    being discussed. Hence it is obvious that Azerbaijan has a very slim
    chance to pass a unilateral anti-Armenian resolution in the UN.

    24.11.2004, "PanARMENIAN Network" analytical department