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BAKU: NATO seminar in Azeri capital debates Karabakh, Caucasus secur

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  • BAKU: NATO seminar in Azeri capital debates Karabakh, Caucasus secur

    NATO seminar in Azeri capital debates Karabakh, Caucasus security

    ANS TV, Baku
    25 Nov 04

    Azerbaijan is a target of terror plotted by the Armenian special
    services, Azerbaijani Interior Minister Ramil Usubov said at the 58th
    Rose-Roth seminar of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Baku on 25
    November. The minister said that 32 terror attacks had been carried out
    against Azerbaijan and that the authorities had exposed six branches
    of charity organizations suspected of financing terrorists. Also
    speaking at the seminar, US political expert Brenda Shaffer said
    that Washington should play an active role in the settlement of
    the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagornyy Karabakh conflict and be more
    helpful. Asked about NATO's plans to expand towards the South Caucasus
    and Central Asia, NATO Parliamentary Assembly Secretary-General
    Simon Lunn said that the aim was to hold peacekeeping operations. The
    following is the text of the report by Azerbaijani TV station ANS on
    25 November:

    [Presenter Natavan Babayeva] Except for Armenian MPs, parliamentarians
    of NATO member countries are in Baku today. The 58th Rose-Roth seminar
    has been kicked off in Baku. Despite the Armenians' absence from the
    seminar, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict was in focus.

    NATO's eastward expansion questioned

    [Correspondent over the seminar participants] Security issues in
    the South Caucasus were the topic of the 58th Rose-Roth seminar of
    NATO's Parliamentary Assembly. Representatives of several states
    highlighted the occupation of Azerbaijani territories by the Armenian
    army. The Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, including open debates with
    the participation of the NATO member countries on the security of
    the Euro-Atlantic space, were of special significance, Speaker of
    the Milli Maclis Murtuz Alasgarov said, adding that the discussions
    in the seminar would contribute to the resolution of the conflict in
    conformity with respect for international legal norms, territorial
    integrity, and inviolability of borders.

    In turn, NATO Parliamentary Assembly Secretary-General Simon Lunn
    stressed that NATO is not just a military alliance, but also a
    democratic organization. The secretary-general said that as a
    democratic body, NATO is concerned about the conflict, like many
    other international bodies. Today, 26 countries are members of NATO,
    Simon Lunn said, adding that it is a priority issue to expand its
    boundaries towards the Balkans, Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus
    and Central Asia in the near future.

    After his speech, MPs put questions to the secretary-general.

    [MP Rauf Qurbanov from the Communist Party of Azerbaijan] What concrete
    aims does NATO pursue in eastward expansion and involvement of the
    ex-Soviet republics in this military bloc?

    [MP Siyavus Novruzov] My question is about combating terrorism,
    extremism, drug trafficking and ethnic cleansing. What could be NATO's
    role in dealing with these issues in uncontrolled territories in the
    South Caucasus?

    [Correspondent] These are Simon Lunn's answers to the questions:
    First, the aim of expanding the military bloc is to hold peacekeeping
    operations. As for the other question, NATO can only have an exchange
    of opinions based on consultations.

    USA's role in Karabakh settlement

    The head of the Caspian Research Center, Dr Brenda Shaffer, did not
    agree with the term of frozen conflicts in the region. She believes
    that people in the region are not yet ready for the resolution of
    the conflict. A special mechanism should be worked out to resolve the
    conflict. We are building a bridge between the sides to the conflict,
    however, a tornado sweeps it aside. Now we should do our best, build
    a bridge and protect it from the tornado, she said.

    A Turkish MP made a remark about Shaffer's opinion. He said that the
    talk is not about the conflict, but the occupation. Armenia is not a
    party to the conflict, but the occupier. Regrettably, the USA is not
    neutral in this issue and is more pro-Armenian. Shaffer consented to
    this opinion partly.

    [Shaffer in English with Azeri voice-over] As for America as the
    super state, I deem this criticism natural. The USA should play an
    active role in the resolution of the Nagornyy Karabakh problem and
    be more helpful.

    [Correspondent] MP Aleksey Volkov from Russia wanted to know when
    NATO will deal with the Nagornyy Karabakh problem in earnest. MP
    Rizvan Cabiyev from Azerbaijan commented on the OSCE Minsk Group's
    US co-chairman, Steven Mann's, statement that it will take decades
    to resolve the Nagornyy Karabakh problem.

    [MP Rizvan Cabiyev] The use of such terms could lay the foundation
    of a dangerous tendency which, in turn, may provoke a more perilous
    war. In this context, do you, Mrs Shaffer, not think that double
    standards exist in dealing with the South Caucasus, in particular,
    the Nagornyy Karabakh problem?

    [Correspondent] Mrs Shaffer's answer to the question was that the
    Karabakh problem should be resolved between the two sides on the
    basis of dialogue.

    Azerbaijan target of terror

    Speaking about potential factors that could undermine domestic
    stability, Interior Minister Ramil Usubov said that Azerbaijan was a
    target of terror plotted by the Armenian special services. Thirty-two
    acts of terror have been committed against Azerbaijan.

    The minister also said that branches of six aid organizations
    suspected of transferring money to terrorists were unveiled and 43
    people cooperating with those organizations were arrested.

    However, Armenian MPs did not hear these accusations. They made up
    their opinions at the last minute and refused to arrive in Baku
    trying to put the blame on Baku for their refusal to attend the
    Baku-hosted seminar.

    Let us recall that Armenian MP Mger Shakhgeldyan, who was due in Baku
    today, explained the reason for the refusal to visit Baku with the
    failure of the Azerbaijani parliament to guarantee their security.

    Actually, when our crew members went to Heydar Aliyev airport to film
    the Armenian MPs, they saw officers of the presidential security
    guard. The 58th Rose-Roth seminar of NATO's Parliamentary Assembly
    will complete its work on 27 November.

    Afat Telmanqizi, Azar Qarayev for ANS.