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BAKU: Azeri paper slams OSCE mediators for not condemning Armenia as

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  • BAKU: Azeri paper slams OSCE mediators for not condemning Armenia as

    Azeri paper slams OSCE mediators for not condemning Armenia as aggressor

    Zerkalo, Baku
    25 Nov 04

    Excerpt from R. Mirgadirov and M. Yasaroglu report by Azerbaijani
    newspaper Zerkalo on 25 November headlined "The stances of Armenia
    and the co-chairs coincide" and subheaded "Both are against discussing
    the Karabakh problem outside the OSCE Minsk Group"

    The 59th session of the UN General Assembly in New York discussed
    the situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan on 24 November.

    [Passage omitted: debates in the UN on Azerbaijan's draft proposal
    on the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict]

    In essence, Armenian officials do not even try to hide their concern
    regarding the discussion of the Karabakh issue outside the OSCE Minsk
    Group. The vice-speaker of the Armenian parliament, Tigran Torosyan,
    was rather outspoken on this issue when he presented the outcomes of
    the 17 November Paris session of the PACE [Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Council of Europe] political committee. He said that there are
    no obstacles to including the Karabakh issue in the agenda of the
    PACE winter session.

    He said that the Nagornyy Karabakh resolution which was passed at
    the emergency session of the PACE political committee contained some
    points which were unfavourable and had to be changed. In particular,
    they include a sentence which turns the previous call to the
    Azerbaijani authorities to establish ties with Nagornyy Karabakh's
    political leadership into a call to establish ties between the two
    communities. In this connection, the head of Armenia's PACE delegation
    said it is important to conduct active work in this regard.

    So, it is time to answer the question why Armenia would lose out if the
    Karabakh conflict is discussed outside the framework of the OSCE Minsk
    Group. It is very simple. The OSCE, including the Minsk Group which it
    has created, is tackling the practical aspects of settling the Karabakh
    conflict on the basis of the mandate, or more precisely, the four UN
    Security Council resolutions on the issue. The co-chairs of the OSCE,
    namely Russia, America and France, have long and well forgotten about
    the basic demands of those resolutions and are in effect engaged in
    "creative activities" by proposing various solutions to the conflict.

    But the most important point is that since the Minsk Group is a
    temporarily created OSCE structure to act as a mediator to resolve the
    Karabakh conflict, it is unable to give an internationally recognized
    political and legal assessment of the actions of the sides to the

    This situation absolutely suits Armenia. When proposing various
    solutions to the conflict, the OSCE co-chairs always hint that
    Azerbaijan will at any rate have to make major concessions, considering
    the "current realities", that is to put it simply, the occupation of
    a chunk of Azerbaijani territory by Armenia. They did not even hold
    the fact of the occupation of an independent state against Armenia.

    Now, with a cease-fire regime which is more than 10 years old, when
    the Karabakh conflict is discussed in organizations outside the reach
    of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, it becomes necessary to answer the
    foremost question: who has occupied 16 per cent of Azerbaijan, which
    is in itself a flagrant violation of international legal norms? And
    every time, regardless of sympathies or antipathies, the international
    community has to unequivocally reply - Armenia! Consequently, this
    results in the condemnation by the international community - be it the
    UN or PACE - of the fact of aggression against a sovereign state and of
    the occupation of its territories with all the ensuing ramifications.

    Incidentally, such a course of events does not suit the interests of
    the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. A clear definition by the international
    community of the fact of aggression and occupation of territories
    by Armenia deprives the co-chairs, who have their own geopolitical
    interests in the region, of the room for manoeuvre. Because in
    this case it will become difficult to "pressure" the victim of the
    aggression and demand that in order to resolve the conflict it make
    concessions that would go against its sovereignty.