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BAKU: Potential of Az high enough to become leader in region

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  • BAKU: Potential of Az high enough to become leader in region

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    Nov 27 2004

    [November 27, 2004, 21:22:07]

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov has met
    the delegation headed by the special representative of chairman of
    Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE on the Nagorny Karabakh conflict Mr.
    Goran Lennmark, November 27.

    Minister Elmar Mammadyarov highly has estimated at the meeting the
    attention rendered by representatives of the European countries and
    the international organizations to the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny
    Karabakh conflict. Having noted that Azerbaijan supports peace
    settlement of the conflict and carries out certain work in this
    direction, the Minister has added that attempts to change border by
    force at the present stage is impossible.

    Having emphasized that the policy illegally carried out recently by
    Armenia directed on resettlement of the population in the occupied
    territories of Azerbaijan, represents threat to process of peace
    talks, the Minister has underlined importance of demonstration by the
    international public of position of principle for the termination of
    this illegal activity. Having noted that the independent policy
    pursued by Azerbaijan which regained the sovereignty in 1991, during
    more, than 13 years, is directed on strengthening in the country of
    democracy, norms of international law, the western and European
    values, Elmar Mammadyarov has emphasized that Azerbaijan tries to
    define the activity in the field of internal and foreign policy in
    the form corresponding to these values.

    Especially having emphasized that the Republic gives great value to
    question of integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic
    structures, the Minister has noted adherence of Azerbaijan to the
    "New Neighborhood Policy" of the European Union and to the "Plan of
    activity of individual cooperation" of the NATO, having expressed
    confidence that cooperation in the given direction would create
    conditions for the further expansion and deepening of relations.

    Having expressed his attitude to the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny
    Karabakh conflict, Mr. Goran Lennmarker has emphasized impossibility
    of existence in XXI century in Europe the occupied lands, having
    expressed hope for settlement of the problem by negotiations. Having
    stated that quick resolution to conflict will benefit not only to
    Azerbaijan, but also all region, the visitor has especially
    emphasized that in case of the statement of stability on the Southern
    Caucasus, favorable opportunities for regional development will open.
    Having noted expansion of the European Union on the southeast, Goran
    Lennmarker has told: "One of the major forthcoming tasks consists in
    that Southern Caucasus became further a part of Europe. Highly having
    estimated potential of Azerbaijan possessing advantage among the
    countries of Southern Caucasus on the population and economic
    development to become the leader in region, the visitor has called
    the Republic for closer cooperation with the countries of the
    European Union.

    At the meeting, the sides had comprehensive exchange of views on
    other questions representing mutual interest.