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BAKU: "Safetty on Southern Caucasus" seminar ended

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  • BAKU: "Safetty on Southern Caucasus" seminar ended

    [November 27, 2004, 22:25:29]

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    Nov 27 2004

    As was informed by AzerTAj, on November 27, the 58th Rose-Roth seminar
    conducted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the NATO together with
    Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Republic rounded.

    Opening the action, international expert John Roberts informed that
    discussed would be the topic "Reforms in the field of defense in the
    new independent states".

    At the seminar, making was statement the Minister of Defense of
    Azerbaijan Republic Safar Abiyev. He has told that the Azerbaijan
    Republic even during war with the aggressor state Armenia, on May 4,
    1994, has joined the NATO "Partnership for Peace" Program.

    Activity of Azerbaijan within the framework of the "PfP" Program
    has created opportunity for expansion of the international
    links and cooperation with the states of NATO and Armed Forces of
    partner-countries in military-political and military-technical area
    on the way of strengthening of defensibility of the Republic.

    He has noted that in 1997 the state commission on cooperation of the
    Azerbaijan Republic with the NATO has been created. Since that period
    in the Armed forces of Azerbaijan and in system of its education,
    reforms have begun according to standards of the NATO. First of all,
    the educational system of Armed Forces has been reformed according
    to modern standards, and purposeful concrete measures directed on
    preparation of the officer staff were undertaken.

    And in 2004, the Center preparing younger experts for Armed Forces
    of Azerbaijan has been created. In this Center, within the framework
    of programs of cooperation with the NATO and bilateral cooperation,
    it is planned preparation of officer and sergeant staff for Armed
    Forces of the Country.

    In 2004, Azerbaijan has undertaken 33 more Partner obligations under
    the "Planning and Processing Analysis" (PPA) program of NATO and
    plans to increase in further their number.

    Minister also has emphasized that the structure headed by him prepares
    for the Individual program of partnership of the NATO, and according
    to the program, officers of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan take
    part in the NATO's 250 exercises, conferences, seminars, courses and
    other actions.

    Cooperation between the Azerbaijan Republic and the NATO proceeds
    also at the level of the leadership of both sides, the Minister
    emphasized. The President of the Azerbaijan Republic repeatedly has
    visited Headquarters of the NATO, the Secretary General of the NATO,
    his assistants, Supreme Commander-In-Chief of forces of the NATO
    in Europe, director of group on Coordination of partnership, the
    commander of the United Forces of the NATO in southeast Europe and
    its other representatives of high rank have visited Azerbaijan and
    carried out here useful consultations.

    Further, The Minister has dwelt on participation of Azerbaijan's
    Armed Forces in peace-making operations. The peace-making platoon
    of the Armed Forces of the Republic since September 1999 carries out
    peace-making mission in Kosovo, other platoon since November 2002 -
    in Afghanistan, and another unit since August 2003 - in Iraq. Then,
    the Minister has told that Azerbaijan carries out bilateral cooperation
    with the NATO and partner-countries in military sphere and has signed
    various documents with these states.

    In conclusion, Minister Safar Abiyev has drawn attention of
    participants of the seminar to that military-political conditions in
    the Southern-Caucasian region that is very intense and difficult. The
    main reason of it consists that Armenia does not refrain of its
    aggressive policy. Today, the basic part of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan
    continues serving in front conditions. All this impedes more successful
    integration of Azerbaijan and its Armed Forces into the NATO and in
    structures of security of Europe, the Minister said.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress