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1/3 To Political Parties

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  • 1/3 To Political Parties


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    27 Nov 04

    Already 130 suggestions have been made referring to the new draft
    electoral code. The second reading of the project will take place
    on December 1, and it is not clear which of these suggestions
    will be accepted. Nevertheless, according to the vice chairman of
    the parliamentary faction of the Democratic Liberal Union Vahram
    Atanessian, no new articles can appear in the project after the first
    reading and vice versa, the previous might no disappear. "And as at
    the first reading the project supposes the mixed type of parliament,
    with nomination both on party tickets and in constituencies, presently
    the suggestion of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation of 100 per cent
    nomination on party tickets contradicts to the Code of the National
    Assembly", said Vahram Atanessian commenting on the standpoint
    of the ARF for "AA". Moreover, as the member of parliament said,
    most of the 19 members of faction of the Democratic Liberal Union
    holding the majority in the parliament are against the election on
    party tickets. However, after long-lasting consultations the faction
    suggest electing 1/3 of the parliament on party tickets. This is,
    according to Vahram Atanessian, a starting point. Today Karabakh
    is not ready for the nomination on party system because, first of
    all, the accomplished parties are not many and, second, the people
    of Karabakh traditionally are not politicized. According to Vahram
    Atanessian, not more than 5-10 per cent of the population is involved
    in parties, and the number 1/3 was not chosen at random. According
    to the law, the 33-seat parliament may work with quorum of 22
    members of parliament. If none of the political parties gets the
    necessary amount of votes, the members of parliament elected from
    constituencies will form the 2/3 of the parliament, the quorum
    of 22 members of parliament will allow the parliament to operate.
    Proceeding from this and other considerations, the Democratic Liberal
    Union as a public-political organization holding the majority in the
    parliament prefers not to hurry. Commenting on the statements of the
    ARF members that those parties vote against the party ticket system
    which are afraid of losing elections, Vahram Atanessian emphasized
    that in the political environment of Artsakh he cannot see other
    political parties which are more accomplished or less accomplished.
    Besides, according to him, the Democratic Liberal Union, backed by
    the authorities, has better chances to get the majority of seats in
    the parliament than the other political parties. Vahram Atanessian
    mentioned that the Democratic Liberal Union forming the majority
    in the parliament is responsible for the activities of the present
    government, its achievements and disadvantages. "We are well-aware of
    all the drawbacks and we will take them into account while working
    out the future priorities," said the member of the Union. In answer
    to our question on possible developments in the government if at
    the upcoming summer elections to parliament the opposition holds the
    majority, Vahram Atanessian noticed that in a presidential republic
    in which we live forming the government is the exclusive right of the
    president. The parliament may only vote against the cabinet presented
    by the president. "I do not think that introducing the party ticket
    system has anything to do with forming a coalition government or any
    other type of government. Maybe some people have similar aims but
    first the same parliamentary majority will have to modify the law
    in accordance with which the government is formed and deprive the
    president of this right," said Vahram Atanessian. According to the
    law in effect, after the election to the parliament the government
    presents the social-economic development program of the country to
    the parliament. If within 72 hours the National Assembly does not
    give a vote of no confidence in the program the government continues
    operating. Otherwise the president dissolves the cabinet of ministers
    and appoints a new government. Speaking about the disagreement
    between factions on separate points of the Electoral Code, Vahram
    Atanessian said that it would be desirable to adopt the Code by way of
    a political consensus without any controversies. Many questions have
    been agreed on, but many others have to be discussed. The problem of
    forming election committees is mainly concerned. According to Vahram
    Atanessian, the project states clearly that 5 days after the enactment
    of the Code the Central Election Committee is to be formed. According
    to the Code, the CEC must be formed of three representatives of the
    president and a representative from each political force which has a
    parliamentary faction. The present CEC includes three representatives
    of the president, three representatives of the government and three
    representatives of each political party. The Federation thinks that
    there is no need to dissolve the present CEC, and the DLU argues that
    it will contradict to the Code and, besides, the same committee cannot
    hold two parliamentary elections. The second important question is
    that the draft code supposes forming polling stations at the military
    units located more than 50 km from settlements. According to Vahram
    Atanessian, we simply do not have such "far-away" military units
    and this artificially included point will later be manipulated. The
    participation of new settlers and refugees in elections is also an
    important issue. The Democratic Liberal Union proposes to allow
    people who were granted the certificate of re-settler or refugee
    to vote and be nominated for the elections to municipal governments
    and the parliament on party tickets. As to the electoral registers,
    according to the representative of the DLU, the responsibility for
    their preciseness should not be borne by the communities but the
    passport and visa services which possess precise information of the
    democratic situation in the country.

    AA. 27-11-2004