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MFA: The Issue of the occupied terriroties of Azerbaijan in the UNGA

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  • MFA: The Issue of the occupied terriroties of Azerbaijan in the UNGA

    375010 Telephone: +3741. 544041 ext 202
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    25 November 2004

    Discussion on the issue of "The situation in the occupied territories of

    in the UN General Assembly Session

    "The situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan" issue was
    included in the agenda of the regular session of the UN General Assembly on
    November 23. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Eldar Mamedyarov introduced the
    relevant draft, while the Turkish and Pakistani representatives Altay
    Cengizer and Masood Khalid delivered parallel speeches. US representative
    Ms. Susan Moore gave a speech on behalf of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen.

    The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to the UN,
    Ambassador H.E. Armen Martirosyan, presented the Armenian position on the
    issue. He implicated the propagandist essence of the Azeri proposal by
    recalling that from the very beginning the idea of including the issue on
    the GA's agenda did not have the support of most countries. The MG
    co-chairmen also declared their opposition, considering it both destructive
    and inappropriate.

    "Azerbaijan tries to present its resolution from the perspective of human
    rights and humanitarian law," stated A.Martirosyan. "And it is accomplishing
    by the country which has violated these laws itself - planned and
    systematically carried out massacres of Armenians in Baku, cities of Sumgait
    and Kirovabad from 1988 to 1990 during peacetime, tries to cloak its own
    actions by selective application of separate points of international
    humanitarian law. It limits the application of the return of refugees to
    "the area of conflict" and to ethnic Azeris only, conveniently leaving out
    the rights of over 400 000 Armenians under the same laws, particularly those
    from the immediate conflict zone from Shahumian, Getashen and Northern
    Martakert. Their homes today are fully confiscated and populated by ethnic
    Azeris,"- stated the Armenian representative.

    "With this resolution Azerbaijan tries to dissect the issue of the
    so-called "occupied territories" from the whole package of negotiations.
    However, it fails to admit that those territories have come under the
    control of Nagorno Karabagh Armenians as a result of the war unleashed by
    Azerbaijan in an attempt to stifle the peaceful drive of the people of
    Nagorno Karabagh for self-determination," stated A. Martirosyan.

    "Today those territories are serving as security belt around Nagorno
    Karabagh. Given the efforts for military suppression in the very recent
    past, as well as the war-mongering rhetoric of the current Azerbaijani
    leadership, the issue of those territories cannot be resolved unless there
    is a resolution on the status of Nagorno Karabagh, and security guarantees
    are provided," stressed A. Martirosyan.

    In his speech Martirosyan stated again that Nagorno Karabagh has never been
    part of independent Azerbaijan. "The people of Nagorno Karabagh have proven
    their right to live freely and securely on their own territory both legally
    through a referendum conducted in 1991 in full conformity of the existing
    Soviet legislation of the time, and by defending this right in the war
    unleashed against its population by Azerbaijan," stated the Armenian
    ambassador. He said that the peace should be achieved, first and foremost,
    between Nagorno Karabagh and Azerbaijan, which has rejected and walked out
    of every single peace proposal made by the OSCE Minsk Group for the last six

    "Azerbaijan is not interested in the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno
    Karabagh conflict," stated Martirosyan. "The increased belligerent rhetoric
    and incitement of anti-Armenian hatred in Azerbaijan clearly testifies to
    the true intentions of its current leadership. The present Azerbaijani
    motion aims at torpedoing the negotiations within the OSCE Minsk Group and
    diverting the international community's efforts into parallel processes,
    which would allow it to maneuver between them without committing to the
    final settlement of the conflict. Azerbaijan tries to use the United Nations
    and its General Assembly to do that, Azerbaijan's initiative to undo the
    peace process should not be supported."

    The Assembly was then informed that action on the draft resolution on the
    situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan would be taken at a
    later date.