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BAKU: Azerbaijan reiterates it suffers from aggressive separatism

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan reiterates it suffers from aggressive separatism

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    Oct 7 2004

    Azerbaijan reiterates it suffers from aggressive separatism

    Baku, October 6, AssA-Irada
    The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) discussed
    issues related to fighting terrorism by the organization's
    member-states on Wednesday.
    The Russian speaker Konstantin Kapechev said all countries are not
    safe from terrorism and recommended to conduct joint activities in
    this area.
    Addressing the meeting, Azeri parliament members presented a report
    on the acts of terror perpetrated by Armenia in Azerbaijani
    territories. A member of the Azeri delegation Asim Mollazada stated
    that it is amazing that a country like Russia has raised the issue.
    `Russia is a powerful country. Small states like Azerbaijan and
    Georgia have suffered from terrorism and aggressive separatism for
    many years. Aggressive separatism should be interpreted as one of the
    main sources of terrorism.'
    Mollazada emphasized that victims of Khojali massacre committed by
    Armenia also suffered from terror and the perpetrators have not been
    Touching on the occupation of Azeri territories, the PACE President
    Peter Shieder and Secretary General Bruno Haller proposed to hold a
    meeting of Azeri, Armenian and Georgian delegations.
    Chairman of the Azeri delegation at PACE Samad Sayidov said in reply
    this was impossible, as it would imply cooperation among the three
    South Caucasus countries, which is out of the question until the
    occupied Azeri lands are liberated.
    `Azerbaijan sees no need for such a meeting', he said.