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TIJUANA: Armenian Community Meets in Tijuana; Remembers Genocide

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  • TIJUANA: Armenian Community Meets in Tijuana; Remembers Genocide

    Armenian Community Meets in Tijuana; Remembers Genocide


    La Prensa (San Diego, CA)
    October 8, 2004

    By Katia López-Hodoyán

    The invitation was scheduled a day after September 21, marking the 13th
    anniversary of Armenia's independence from the USSR. Guests from both
    sides of the border were arriving at Clinica CodetAris in Tijuana where
    Dr. Arturo Chayet, a prominent ophthalmologist and their host greeted
    them for the evening. Why would someone of Jewish heritage embark on
    this gathering?

    Perhaps for an opportunity to celebrate Tijuana's rich and diverse
    cultural heritage. Possibly to bring to light how a culturally diverse
    society can flourish with the unique cultural contributions of its
    members. Maybe to underline history's past mistakes, so they will not be
    repeated. Be it what may, the evening would be a celebration of the
    Armenian race, some 90 years after the Armenian Genocide suffered under
    the Ottoman Empire.

    Close to a hundred people gathered that evening from both sides of the
    border, the majority of which are direct descendants of the handful of
    the community of Armenians that settled in Tijuana around 1922.
    Armenians have demonstrated to be a strong race, hard working,
    entrepreneurial and committed, who have already made their mark in
    Tijuana's business sector.

    There is camaraderie among the guests, many which know each other if not
    personally, by their last names, all the last names ending in `yan or
    `ian', a tell-tale ending that distinguishes all Armenians in the world.

    After enjoying authentic Armenian food, a short presentation was given
    on the long-suffering history of Armenia and its people, from its
    glorious past to its fragile present. This was followed by the
    presentation of the first major motion picture ARARAT by Atom Egoyan,
    which won universal acclaim in its attempt to show to the world `The
    Unknown Genocide.'

    The Armenian Genocide, is called `The Unknown Genocide,' because first
    and foremost, it has not been accepted by the Turkish government,
    successor of the Ottoman Empire and subsequently little known by the
    worldwide population. Turkey states that the number of killings is
    exaggerated and that there was never a systematic complot to exterminate
    the Armenians. The reasons for the denial are mostly political issues.
    Turkey is a strong NATO ally, and also the transit terrain for oil,
    where U.S. companies have a large stake in the construction of an oil
    pipeline running from Baku, Azerbaijan to the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

    It is unfortunate that in the year 2000 when the House of
    Representatives was to vote on a resolution on the Armenian Genocide,
    the resolution was withdrawn only a few hours before the scheduled
    presentation. Pressure from the Turkish government that threatened to
    close its airbases to U.S. planes on missions in Iraq was reason enough
    for the withdrawal.

    This was a great disappointment to Armenians in the Diaspora. Although
    this past April 24th, on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, President
    Bush issued a statement mourning the state-sponsored killing of close to
    two million Armenians between 1915 and 1923, he fell short of calling it
    Genocide. The pressure continues and so the bowing under its influence.

    Nowadays, the majority of the young Turkish generation dismisses the
    claim made by the Armenians, even though there has been worldwide
    progress in the recognition of the Genocide. For the generation that
    gathered this September evening in Tijuana, where some of the
    descendants are full-blooded, others fifty percent and others one
    quarter Armenian, there seems to be an invisible, yet strong bond. It is
    a bond of pain, suffering, of heart-wrenching stories from their
    parents' histories. Still, there is also a lesson of survival, of
    celebration of faith and strength and the knowledge that their
    ancestors' will to overcome their past challenges forces the generations
    of today to forge today and in the years to come, a contribution of life
    to the society they live in. It is also a call to the duty of the
    descendants of this strong and enduring race, a call to pass on to
    future generations, the history, the culture, yesterdays' struggles and
    today's triumphs, lest they be forgotten.