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Iraq despatch splits Armenia

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  • Iraq despatch splits Armenia

    Institute for War & Peace Reporting
    Oct 6 2004


    Parliament begins to ponder president's plan to send Armenians to

    By Zhanna Alexanian in Yerevan

    The Armenian parliament will this month decide whether to approve a
    controversial proposal to send Armenians to Iraq, with a decision
    either way likely to anger one of its two big allies Russia and the
    United States.

    On a recent official visit to Poland, Armenian president Robert
    Kocharian signalled his intention to send 50 military personnel -
    drivers, doctors, and auxiliary staff - to Iraq to join Polish forces
    in Iraq. On September 6, Kocharian and Polish president Aleksander
    Kwasniewski signed an intergovernmental agreement, confirming the
    planned dispatch.

    During his first press conference in Yerevan, the newly-appointed US
    ambassador to Armenia John Evans welcomed Armenia's willingness to
    participate in the coalition operation in Iraq.

    "International forces in Iraq are facing difficulties, and Armenia's
    assistance in this question is very valuable," the ambassador said.

    Later, US president George W Bush noted in his message to Robert
    Kocharian on the occasion of Armenia's Independence Day on September
    "I am particularly grateful for the important counter-terrorism
    assistance that Armenia has rendered to the US."

    Armenia has close ties with both Russia and the US - both of which
    have huge Armenian diasporas - but this appears to be one issue where
    a balancing act is impossible.

    Last week, defence minister Serzh Sarkisian spoke up for the plan,
    "If we support the fight against international terrorism then we must
    not approach it as consumers and should contribute to a solution to
    the problem. After all, Iraq is very close to our borders, and this
    fact does not allow us to watch from the sidelines."

    The Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta sharply condemned
    Sarkisian, reflecting feelings that one of Russia's closest military
    allies was selling out to the United States.

    In Armenia, there is disquiet at senior levels about the plans and in
    an unprecedented breaking of ranks, Armenian deputy defence minister
    General Yury Khachaturov criticised the president. "I am not
    enthusiastic about this decision," he said. "I am generally not
    enthusiastic about the fact that troops were sent there in the first
    place and that the war started."

    Avetik Ishkhanian, a human rights activist, who heads the Helsinki
    Committee of Armenia, was also critical.

    "However much we want to establish close ties with the USA or NATO,
    they are not actually insisting on an Armenian military presence in
    Iraq," he said. "This is a provincial way of sucking up, which does
    not take into account the interests of Armenia and the diaspora."

    Stepan Safarian, a political analyst with the Armenian Centre for
    National and International Studies, ACNIS, said that this was a row
    waiting to happen.

    "From the first days of the war in Iraq, Armenia's position was
    unclear," Safarian said. "On the one hand, she was flirting with
    America, on the other, tried to keep Russia happy."

    An opinion poll conducted by the centre showed that out of 2,000
    respondents, around 26 per cent viewed the coalition campaign in Iraq
    positively, while 33 per cent had a negative attitude, and 29 per
    cent were neutral.

    When it came to sending Armenians to Iraq, another poll conducted by
    the Vox Populi centre with 664 respondents found that 60 per cent of
    those asked were against, 24 per cent said that they didn't care, ten
    per cent could not answer, and only six per cent supported the step.

    Safarian said that, with public opinion against it, the Armenian
    government might in the end decide to back down from sending a
    contingent of troops to Iraq.

    Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian is arguing that if the military
    personnel do go it will be in a humanitarian role. "From the
    beginning, Armenia said that it objected to military presence in
    Iraq," Oskanian told journalists. "We said that we would like to
    participate in the reconstruction of Iraq in the humanitarian sphere.
    The final decision has not been made. The parliament needs to approve

    Opponents of the troop despatch say that the presence of the Armenian
    forces in Iraq would endanger the 30,000 or so members of the
    Armenian community there. More than two dozen public organisations
    appealed to the government to suspend the deployment because "it is
    necessary to think about the safety [of the compatriots] before
    taking such a step".

    Garegin Hovsepian, representative for the Iraqi diocese of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church, said that Iraqis were responding with
    hostility to the planned deployment.

    "The situation for the Iraqi Armenians is very tough," the priest
    said. "It deteriorated after the announcement by the Armenian defence
    minister that fifty people would join the coalition forces in Iraq.
    Before this announcement, everything had been calm, and no one had
    harassed Armenians because of their nationality."

    "Before sending the Armenians in, it is necessary to consider
    security issues," deputy chairman of the Iraqi Armenians Union
    Yervand Minasian told IWPR. "It would be a gross mistake to send
    representatives of Armenia to Iraq. In Iraq they will be perceived as
    invaders. This is dangerous, and it will badly damage the Armenian
    community in Iraq."

    Since last year's invasion of Iraq, about 200 Iraqi Armenians have
    emigrated to Armenia and the number of those seeking refuge is
    increasing. Gagik Eganian, head of the department for migration and
    refugees, admits that the incomers are not receiving adequate help.

    "Their settlement has to be paid for," Eganian said. "And if there
    are several hundred of them, the state will not be able to do that
    simply because today it cannot provide for its own citizens. It is
    important that they will get residency. Nobody is going to send them

    With attention now focused on parliament, which has to give the green
    light to the decision on deployment, opposition deputies are openly
    critical of the plan, while members of the pro-presidential coalition
    in parliament are mostly keeping silent.

    Deputy speaker of the national assembly, Vahan Hovanesian, who is a
    member of the Dashnaktsutiun party, said before making the decision
    Armenia should discuss the issue with its CIS colleagues and France
    and Germany.

    If parliament does approve the despatch of the military personnel,
    they are due to go to Iraq in early 2005.

    However, the government could avoid embarrassment if, as has been
    hinted recently, Poland decides to withdraw its military contingent
    from Iraq by the end of the year.

    Zhanna Alexanian is a reporter for the online weekly