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Same Azerbaijan Which Promised Sovereignty to Karabakh

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  • Same Azerbaijan Which Promised Sovereignty to Karabakh


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    08 Oct 04

    Azerbaijan demands applying sanctions against the foreign companies
    working in the territory of Nagorni Karabakh. They will not be allowed
    to do business in Azerbaijan. This is what the Azerbaijani newspapers
    have been writing about recently. The vice foreign minister of
    Azerbaijan Araz Azimov mentioned,` Azerbaijan cannot overlook the
    illegal use of the natural resources in the` occupied
    territories'. Among the companies on the black list of theforeign
    ministry of Azerbaijan may appear as well the Lithuanian company which
    prints the postal stamps of the Republic of Nagorni Karabakh. The
    state company â=80=9CAzermarka' of the Azerbaijani Ministry of
    Communication and Information Technologies managed to make the Postal
    Union warn all over the world that the stamps of Karabakh are not
    legal and valid. The Baku newspaper Day.Az writes, â=80=9CSoso
    Pavliashvili who took part in the celebration of independence of `NKR'
    announced about his peacemaking mission and although the Ministry of
    Culture of Azerbaijan boycotted him, he is going to visit Baku again.'
    Member of parliament of the Milli Mejlis Anar Mamedkhanov said in this
    reference, `Peacemaking is a good thing. But first I would like Soso
    Pavliashvili to conciliate the Georgianswith the Osetians and
    Abkhazians. Let him start his peacemaking activities with this. I
    would like to advise him to sing in the concert in Sukhumi devoted to
    the day of Abkhazian independence from Georgia to prove that for him
    his nationis above everything.' At the same time, the Conference of
    Non-Governmental Organizations of Azerbaijan appealed to the
    international organizations to cancel the consultation `The activity
    of the youth in the areas of confrontation: human rights, democracy
    and cooperation' which will take place in NagorniKarabakh on November
    15-19. The consultation is organized by the International Panarmenian
    Fund. The statement of the Conference points out `the illegality of
    holding this undertaking in the territories of Azerbaijan occupied by
    the Karabakh separatists.' The Conference of Non-Governmental
    Organizations of Azerbaijan involves more than 400 organizations of
    the country. They even threaten to take legal action against the youth
    organizations which wanted to visit Karabakh. And the leader of the
    so-called Committee for Liberation of Karabakh Akif Naghi
    characterized the upcoming visit of the Armenian parliamentarians to
    Baku as the essential problem of Azerbaijan. According to him, before
    the settlement of the Karabakh problem they will not stop struggling
    against the visit of the citizens of the aggressor country of
    Armenia. In particular, the Committee is going to start a new campaign
    of protest against the Armenian parliamentarians who intend to
    participate in the seminar of the NATO parliamentary assembly in
    Baku. At the same time, A. Naghi characterized the consistent wish of
    the Armenians to visit Baku as a provocation. According to him,
    similar actionsare dictated by their aim to involve Azerbaijan in a
    conflict with international organizations, thereby causing
    tensions. Baku also reacted to our information on adopting the law on
    ombudsman by the Karabakh parliament. The head of the press centre of
    the Azerbaijani foreign ministry M. Mirza told the Baku newspaper
    `Echo', `The following can be said in this situation: generally, all
    the institutions created and to be created in NKR have no legal basis
    for factual existence. That is to say, in fact they do not exist as
    either they, or their ` state' have not been recognized by anyone in
    the world.' Extremism in Azerbaijan is already practised on the level
    of the president. This statement was made by the vice speaker of the
    National Assembly of Armenia Vahan Hovhannissian during his press
    conference. The vice speaker is worried by the anti-Armenian moods in
    Azerbaijan. `Quite recently the road Kirants - Voskepar has been
    bombed. I do not think that Mr. Aliev would dare to make a direct
    order to start war, but an uncontrolled spark may cause fire.'
    According to Vahan Hovhannissian, the diplomatic task of Armenia today
    is `to prove that we recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    but it has no relation to the problem of Nagorni Karabakh.' The
    president of Azerbaijan stated at the UN that NKR is a persisting
    source of threat for peace and security in the region. Ignoring the
    four resolutions of the UN Council for Security, trying to maintain
    the results of the military aggression and remaining unpunished,
    Armenia actually fulfilled a policy of illegal mass settlement of
    Armenian population in the occupied Azerbaijani territories. According
    to him, the situation is aggravated by using these territories for
    illegal circulation of drugs, transportation of weapon, illegal
    economic activities, smuggling, terrorism. He stated that the
    aggressors of Armenia and the Karabakh separatists try to involve
    foreign companies in illegal business thereby exploiting the natural
    resources of the occupied Azerbaijani territories. The president of
    Azerbaijan appealed to the UN members to make their citizens and
    companies respect international law and stop their illegal activity in
    the territory of our country. He also mentioned that Armenia falsifies
    the history of the Azerbaijani region of Nagorni Karabakh,
    appropriates its cultural and architectural heritage. According to
    him, Thereligious and historical monuments of Azerbaijan were ruined,
    plundered and the ancient manuscripts, as well as other valuable
    objects were stolen. In his address at the 59th session of the General
    Assembly of the UN the foreign minister of Armenia Vardan Oskanian
    stated that we would like to deal with an Azerbaijan which recognizes
    its place and acts according to the international law, andnot with the
    country whose policies, actions and statements threaten the fragile
    peace and stability in the region. In the post-Soviet territory
    Azerbaijan was the first to introduce the practice of torturing people
    for their nationality, to involve mercenaries and international
    terrorists in the army, and to ignore the international law, mentioned
    Vardan Oskanian. Azerbaijan managed to get rid of Armenians in
    Nakhijevan who formed more than the half of the local
    population. There is not a single Armenian there. In the Soviet years
    more than 400 thousand Armenians lived in Baku, Sumgait and at other
    places in Azerbaijan. Today there is not a single Armenian there. The
    Azerbaijani attempt of extermination of a nation was a success,
    continued the foreign minister of Armenia. According to him, ten
    years ago Azerbaijan used mercenaries and international terrorists to
    `fight' against the Armenian men and women defending their land. The
    terrorists were defeated and the Armenians won. Mentioning that the
    Armenians overcame the confrontation with a victory after their
    peaceful claims for self-determination had been met with swords,
    Vardan Oskanian emphasized that the Armenians had occupied those
    territories 2000 years ago and not in the recent ten years, as the
    Azerbaijani president insists. Azerbaijan excludesthe mediation of the
    international community directed at blocking drug businessrun in its
    territory. Azerbaijan also nullifies the efforts of the EC and other
    monitoring groups which try to visit the region and see themselves
    thousands of ruined historical and cultural monuments, said the
    minister. If in the past century Armenians and Azerbaijanis were
    obliged to live side by side, in this century we obtained the right to
    decide our fate and thereby we may decide ourselves to coexist
    peacefully, said the foreign minister of Armenia.
