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Buyurun: exclusive Lawrie's army head to terror war zone

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  • Buyurun: exclusive Lawrie's army head to terror war zone

    The Mirror, UK
    October 8, 2004, Friday



    DIFFERENT WORLD: Azerbaijan national emblem over oil rigs at the
    shore of the Kaspian Sea in Baku; TRIP: Manager Sanchez

    NORTHERN Ireland football fans have been told to ignore scare stories
    about Azerbaijan and support their team in the terror hotspot.

    The East European country is at war with neighbours Armenia and
    political terrorism is rife in certain regions.

    And the British Home Office advises against travelling to the
    Nagorno-Karabakh area, which the Armenian military control and where
    gun battles ring out regularly.

    But Graeme Johnstone, 43, a member of the Baku Rangers Supporters
    Club in the Azerbaijani capital, said he has been looking forward to
    the visit by Lawrie Sanchez's men.

    He added: "I know Azerbaijan has its problems but it is a great place
    and well worth visiting."

    And he revealed the head of the Celtic Supporters Club in Baku, Billy
    Quinn, would probably be more interested in the Republic's test
    against France tomorrow as he is the cousin of goalscoring legend
    Niall Quinn. Vice-consul Derek Lavery, the UK's official
    representative in Azerbaijan, is a Scotsman but he insisted fans
    would be welcomed by locals.

    However, he warned against leaving Baku, where the vital World Cup
    qualifier will be played tomorrow evening. He said: "The Armenian
    military protect the area while the two governments are trying to
    negotiate some sort of settlement.

    "There is occasional firing, even though there is a ceasefire, but
    fans coming out should be OK."

    Gary Hancock, secretary of the Amalgamation of Northern Ireland
    Supporters Club, who has stayed at home, said: "I think there about
    100 of our boys who went out, but they're not worried.

    "Last year, they went to Armenia in the middle of all the conflict in
    Iraq, which was only 300 miles away.



    1. The country lies between Russia and Iran and is in Europe and

    2. The national language is Azeri and the currency is manat. One
    thousand manat is the equivalent of 11p.

    3. Northern Ireland are ranked 110th in FIFA's world rankings, just
    four places above Azerbaijan.

    4. More people live in the capital Baku than in Northern Ireland. The
    country's population is 7.5 million.

    5. It is a Muslim country and visitors are advised to avoid wearing
    shorts in case they offend locals.

    6. The country declared its independence from the Soviet Union in
    August 1991.

    7. Oil is Azerbaijan's number one export and the world's first oil
    well was drilled in Baku in the 1800s.

    8. About four per cent of the population have internet access. In
    Northern Ireland, 33 per cent have access.

    9. The country has nine airports.

    10. It has the largest number of mud volcanoes in the world.

    11. A person from Azerbaijan is known as an Azeri.

    12. There are estimated to be more than 45million Azeris in the

    13. Garry Kasparov, once the world's number one chess player, was
    born in Baku.

    14. The Nobel brothers, who the peace prize is named after, made
    their fortune drilling oil in Baku.

    15. A central part of Hitler's vision was to create an empire
    connecting Berlin and Bombay, via Baku.

    16. There are two television stations.

    17. December 31 is a national holiday.

    18. Pancakes and spiced meats are popular in Azerbaijan.

    19. Popular sports include basketball and karate.

    20. The national anthem reads: "Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, you are the
    country of heroes. We will die so that you might be alive."